Friday, December 12, 2008
♥ When i walked down memory lane
current mood - cheeseeee-zie.
current music playing - One last breath, Creed

current mood - cheeseeee-zie.
current music playing - One last breath, Creed
Msged shaunaaa in th afternoon before we met.
Yayyy, we you yuan, met in th same bus.
While waiting fr th bus, that woman super hao siao, say that she wait fr 10 mins, th bus still dont want come.
then say th bus hates her and stufffff, laughhhs!
shauna, stop being retarded kayyy!:)
ate kfccccccc, shrooms w drink w cheese fries, that made me too full ._.
wowwww, shauna, i know your secrettttt!:B
Wellll, hope you and leonard would gat tgt again :)
Dont so heartbrokennnn! luvvvv :B
went t th studio thennnnn, practiced a lil.
left fr th PA placeee. was raining!
practiced in one of th halls instead, wasn't v big ;x
soooo. lefttt t th roadside at PA there t practice when th rain stopped.

Msged shaunaaa in th afternoon before we met.
Yayyy, we you yuan, met in th same bus.
While waiting fr th bus, that woman super hao siao, say that she wait fr 10 mins, th bus still dont want come.
then say th bus hates her and stufffff, laughhhs!
shauna, stop being retarded kayyy!:)
ate kfccccccc, shrooms w drink w cheese fries, that made me too full ._.
wowwww, shauna, i know your secrettttt!:B
Wellll, hope you and leonard would gat tgt again :)
Dont so heartbrokennnn! luvvvv :B
went t th studio thennnnn, practiced a lil.
left fr th PA placeee. was raining!
practiced in one of th halls instead, wasn't v big ;x
soooo. lefttt t th roadside at PA there t practice when th rain stopped.
Reached back thomson around 830 or later.
stupid and me spent time in th toilet till like pass 9?
then went t food palace.
ate something, i suddenly stm dno whats it called -.-
Ohohhhh! Fried carrot cake!
and we were lik th last t orderrrrrr.
everyone where like done eating or finishing alreadyyyy!
so we were like, dont close down before we eattt,
hahah, shauna and i were super retarded, i swear -.-
Yayyyy, meeting stupid on this coming tues & weddd :D
chingay practice on coming thursday and th week after next week on monday :)
hahahahaha, see this (below).
stupid and me spent time in th toilet till like pass 9?
then went t food palace.
ate something, i suddenly stm dno whats it called -.-
Ohohhhh! Fried carrot cake!
and we were lik th last t orderrrrrr.
everyone where like done eating or finishing alreadyyyy!
so we were like, dont close down before we eattt,
hahah, shauna and i were super retarded, i swear -.-
Yayyyy, meeting stupid on this coming tues & weddd :D
chingay practice on coming thursday and th week after next week on monday :)
hahahahaha, see this (below).

stylo rigggggght! algene deeee's one :)
just done not long ago, i think this tattoo's better then many others'.
th rest so b-e-n-g one.
Algene deee, says he's a good boy, yeahyeah, whatever rightt!:B
so grace went fr ballet this evening, as usual.
its been a longlongggg time since ms mccully not scold me?
yeahhhh, but i'm still fking disappointed w myselffff.
g a w d .
Algene de says that he'd eat me up if i dont wanna talk t him, coooooool! :}
then p.romeo calls me crazy so often ):
All i want fr Christmas :
- Hair grow faster { AHHAHA}
- Be much more open minded, and study harder.
- Become more sociable?
- Get good grades for... forever :)
- New phoneeeeee (!!!)
- Change handphone number { so i need not read those lame msges }
- More moneyyy
- More ballet costumeszxc (!)
- Baking before christmas C:
- Go out w stupid, honey, best and friends mr often.
- Andandand, i want tht fxcker t fxck farfar away from my life! _l_ { Thanks horh!-.- }
Etcetcetc, countless i tell you!
But, money cant buy most of my wishes :/
All up to meeeeeeee now ):
Now, p.romeo wanna pluck my nose out )':
Lauggghs! Ohoh! I got my new specs today :B
i'm gonna read 'The Host' now ;D ;D ;D
Grace misses algene aka father )':
P.Romeo, Get well sooon <3.