♥ Bring back our old times, can't you?
 Haagen, i miss you :'/ Where's our old teamspirit? Th fun we had together? Where's Haagen Cheerleading now? Please, come back. ---------- Hey all, i realised i owe many people quizzes yeah? I'd do them now before i go for my chingay thing. --- 1.who's the person that tagged you? - Velda precious, BenjiBangsai, EileenHo, McHongActcute :) 2. Relationship between you and her? - ♥ Velda's my precious, Benji's my Bangsai, Eileen's my actcute's Baby, McHong's my Actcute. 3. Three impressions of her? - Velda } Chiochio ohs, alot guys jio one! (x Benji } My shit for life :B Eileen } Pretty and cute :] McHong } Tiongximmmmmm! :O 4. If she becomes your enemy, you will? - Velda } Once upon a time, but now my precious wors!♥ Benji } Wont one luh, that bangsai black black one :D Eileen } Not really close, sure wont be enemy one. McHong } Hah, that fishball rubber face, wont one luhs!:) 5. What will you say to the person you like very much? - Nothing, i'd just shut up and see what comes next. 6. Characteristic i like about myself? - Nerd face 8] 7. Characteristic i hate about myself? - Make myself study end up playing, zz! 8. For the person whom you hate, you say? - Bang wall and die bitch, hahah. Joking, i dont hate anyone :) 9. What do people feel about you? - Ask them luhs! -.- 10. Your crush? - Makes me wanna bang wall and die ._. 11. Pass this to 10 people 1. EileenChong 2. TanJiajun 3. Lim BinHui 4. VanessaC 5. Mingru 6. VanessaF 7. Meiyi 8 . Callista 9. Melvin 10 . YipKaixin 12. If 5 & 7 were together? - Loll, they dont know each other :O 13. who does 5 like? - No one? 14. What colour does 9 like? - Hehh, i dno manzxs ;/ 15. Say something about 8. - Chio until i bth uhs! 16. Who is 2? - My good friend :D 17. Talk about 3. - My husband (: 18. Who is 10's best friend? - Jiajun and vaneh ? 19. Who's the sexiest among all 10? - Hahah, i dont know manzzxs. 20. What colour does 4 like? - Opps, i dont know :/ 21. Is 4 single? - I guess not. 22. Your relationship with 1. - My honeyyyy!♥ 23. Are 5 & 6 best friends? - Nopes, friends 24. 9's surname? - I know i'm a bad friend, i dont know his surname -.- 25. 7's nickname? - I dont give her nicknames, she's my bestf forever :} ♥ 26. Say something to 8 - Aye! Meet up soon again! :D Hahah, love youuuuu!:} 27. Say something to help 9. - If you feel grey you can find me, and you know why!(x 28. Who do i admire? - Everyone has their special points that would make one admire. 29. Where does 1 live? - Toa Payoh 30. 10 of them know who you like? - No one knows. [: 31. Say something to 6 when you see her. - Vaneh, vaneh, vanehhhhh! :D 32. 10's spouse? - Yuto, Lollll. ---------- Rules and regulations : Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself . People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state the rule clearly . At the end , you need to choose 10 names to be tagged and list their names .
#1 Some quiz like this makes me wna bash th com, but i'm good so i'm doing them. #2 I hate myself for not being born in korea. #3 I'm korean, i wish, zz! #4 I love t eat and gain fats :D #5 I love to crack my back :} #6 I love exams, :B #7 Fried/bbqed chicken wings are good for health :8 #8 I go crazy when i think about that person, i'd start writing how i feel bout that person in a lil book hoping that person knows how i feel :/ #9 I dont know how to ride a bike.(: #10 I loveeeee going to school :'D
10 people to do this , in aphlabetical order :-; BinhuiHusband, EileenHoney, EileenHo, McHongActcute, MeiyiBestf, MingruPiepie, TanJiajun, VanessaPrettydoll, VanessaFoo, YipKaixin ♥♥♥

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
♥ Bring back our old times, can't you?
 Haagen, i miss you :'/ Where's our old teamspirit? Th fun we had together? Where's Haagen Cheerleading now? Please, come back. ---------- Hey all, i realised i owe many people quizzes yeah? I'd do them now before i go for my chingay thing. --- 1.who's the person that tagged you? - Velda precious, BenjiBangsai, EileenHo, McHongActcute :) 2. Relationship between you and her? - ♥ Velda's my precious, Benji's my Bangsai, Eileen's my actcute's Baby, McHong's my Actcute. 3. Three impressions of her? - Velda } Chiochio ohs, alot guys jio one! (x Benji } My shit for life :B Eileen } Pretty and cute :] McHong } Tiongximmmmmm! :O 4. If she becomes your enemy, you will? - Velda } Once upon a time, but now my precious wors!♥ Benji } Wont one luh, that bangsai black black one :D Eileen } Not really close, sure wont be enemy one. McHong } Hah, that fishball rubber face, wont one luhs!:) 5. What will you say to the person you like very much? - Nothing, i'd just shut up and see what comes next. 6. Characteristic i like about myself? - Nerd face 8] 7. Characteristic i hate about myself? - Make myself study end up playing, zz! 8. For the person whom you hate, you say? - Bang wall and die bitch, hahah. Joking, i dont hate anyone :) 9. What do people feel about you? - Ask them luhs! -.- 10. Your crush? - Makes me wanna bang wall and die ._. 11. Pass this to 10 people 1. EileenChong 2. TanJiajun 3. Lim BinHui 4. VanessaC 5. Mingru 6. VanessaF 7. Meiyi 8 . Callista 9. Melvin 10 . YipKaixin 12. If 5 & 7 were together? - Loll, they dont know each other :O 13. who does 5 like? - No one? 14. What colour does 9 like? - Hehh, i dno manzxs ;/ 15. Say something about 8. - Chio until i bth uhs! 16. Who is 2? - My good friend :D 17. Talk about 3. - My husband (: 18. Who is 10's best friend? - Jiajun and vaneh ? 19. Who's the sexiest among all 10? - Hahah, i dont know manzzxs. 20. What colour does 4 like? - Opps, i dont know :/ 21. Is 4 single? - I guess not. 22. Your relationship with 1. - My honeyyyy!♥ 23. Are 5 & 6 best friends? - Nopes, friends 24. 9's surname? - I know i'm a bad friend, i dont know his surname -.- 25. 7's nickname? - I dont give her nicknames, she's my bestf forever :} ♥ 26. Say something to 8 - Aye! Meet up soon again! :D Hahah, love youuuuu!:} 27. Say something to help 9. - If you feel grey you can find me, and you know why!(x 28. Who do i admire? - Everyone has their special points that would make one admire. 29. Where does 1 live? - Toa Payoh 30. 10 of them know who you like? - No one knows. [: 31. Say something to 6 when you see her. - Vaneh, vaneh, vanehhhhh! :D 32. 10's spouse? - Yuto, Lollll. ---------- Rules and regulations : Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself . People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state the rule clearly . At the end , you need to choose 10 names to be tagged and list their names .
#1 Some quiz like this makes me wna bash th com, but i'm good so i'm doing them. #2 I hate myself for not being born in korea. #3 I'm korean, i wish, zz! #4 I love t eat and gain fats :D #5 I love to crack my back :} #6 I love exams, :B #7 Fried/bbqed chicken wings are good for health :8 #8 I go crazy when i think about that person, i'd start writing how i feel bout that person in a lil book hoping that person knows how i feel :/ #9 I dont know how to ride a bike.(: #10 I loveeeee going to school :'D
10 people to do this , in aphlabetical order :-; BinhuiHusband, EileenHoney, EileenHo, McHongActcute, MeiyiBestf, MingruPiepie, TanJiajun, VanessaPrettydoll, VanessaFoo, YipKaixin ♥♥♥
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.