♥As believed, fxck love. Current mood - I want you t fxck off Current music - None, i need silence now fr such occasions
 Overslept today, actually no. i had a chioce, so count it as i overslept ._. Fell asleep on th phone while talking t sweetheart htb. And when he kupped, th stupid song started playing. 'No one, no one.....' knn, make me wake up -.- and it was blasting t my tender ear ): Back t this morning, woke up... nono.. i literally jumped outta bed at 950. Remembering that i had t meet jeslyn at braddell at 1015 or so. I rushed but still was late. So end up didnt go meet leon. Paiseh wors ;x i know you v excited meet me one :}
  So i made jeslyn wait for me at bishan till 1045. HAHAH, imma badbad friend! :x Then, we took th mrt t paya lebar t do my coloured extensions, and my glittered/diamonded hair :) She ended up extending her hair too. Rushed t tamp, took a cab t church, thanks t evan fr telling me hw t go. That humji dog ____________________ . Okay, only jeslyn knows who she is and knows what feels in th blanks :D Saw melody, huiyi and hmm, no more i guess? They didn't change much, Hahah. I'm gonna go see them at church camp, i'd be watching over them, cos i didnt sign up :B
  Off t tamp mall after service, i miss tamp mall. D: its been years since i went thr every sunday. Theeeeen, bought fries. Yummy. Took a mrt back t bishan after that, went home myself ): My mother dont want my dad t pamper me, humphs. from j8 onlyyyyy what, can fetch me rights )': Homed, and in less then an hour i was outta th house going back t j8 fr dinner -.- w my family w/o my oldest sis who mas rushing her work at home. Went t that Chinese restuarant? Hahah, forget it, nice food. But i still prefer korean food, so chinese food aren't that fascinating t me :) I lurveb korean food.♥
  Oh yeah, my mom was super hilarious just now, i was like, see my hair see my hair! Then she was like, how much? I say very cheap, extensions mah. Thennnn, after that i walked back t her, i say v cheap right! Then she say, how much did you pay t colour your hair. i was like ._. what colour hair! I then dont want spoil my black hair :} imma such a good girl.
 Hahahah! See this picture? Pardon me, jeslyn, i had t post it. Fancy someone falling down in front of two bangalas, and th next thing she knew, she tore her pants ._. LOL, i laughed at her like siao when she told me that -.- ---------- Dieeeeeeeeeeee, tmr come so soon for what! tmr, 10 november, results of th class we're gna be streamed nxt year would be out. Lets pray hard ayes ._. I cant go to 3e4, i'd die manzxs.

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
♥As believed, fxck love. Current mood - I want you t fxck off Current music - None, i need silence now fr such occasions
 Overslept today, actually no. i had a chioce, so count it as i overslept ._. Fell asleep on th phone while talking t sweetheart htb. And when he kupped, th stupid song started playing. 'No one, no one.....' knn, make me wake up -.- and it was blasting t my tender ear ): Back t this morning, woke up... nono.. i literally jumped outta bed at 950. Remembering that i had t meet jeslyn at braddell at 1015 or so. I rushed but still was late. So end up didnt go meet leon. Paiseh wors ;x i know you v excited meet me one :}
  So i made jeslyn wait for me at bishan till 1045. HAHAH, imma badbad friend! :x Then, we took th mrt t paya lebar t do my coloured extensions, and my glittered/diamonded hair :) She ended up extending her hair too. Rushed t tamp, took a cab t church, thanks t evan fr telling me hw t go. That humji dog ____________________ . Okay, only jeslyn knows who she is and knows what feels in th blanks :D Saw melody, huiyi and hmm, no more i guess? They didn't change much, Hahah. I'm gonna go see them at church camp, i'd be watching over them, cos i didnt sign up :B
  Off t tamp mall after service, i miss tamp mall. D: its been years since i went thr every sunday. Theeeeen, bought fries. Yummy. Took a mrt back t bishan after that, went home myself ): My mother dont want my dad t pamper me, humphs. from j8 onlyyyyy what, can fetch me rights )': Homed, and in less then an hour i was outta th house going back t j8 fr dinner -.- w my family w/o my oldest sis who mas rushing her work at home. Went t that Chinese restuarant? Hahah, forget it, nice food. But i still prefer korean food, so chinese food aren't that fascinating t me :) I lurveb korean food.♥
  Oh yeah, my mom was super hilarious just now, i was like, see my hair see my hair! Then she was like, how much? I say very cheap, extensions mah. Thennnn, after that i walked back t her, i say v cheap right! Then she say, how much did you pay t colour your hair. i was like ._. what colour hair! I then dont want spoil my black hair :} imma such a good girl.
 Hahahah! See this picture? Pardon me, jeslyn, i had t post it. Fancy someone falling down in front of two bangalas, and th next thing she knew, she tore her pants ._. LOL, i laughed at her like siao when she told me that -.- ---------- Dieeeeeeeeeeee, tmr come so soon for what! tmr, 10 november, results of th class we're gna be streamed nxt year would be out. Lets pray hard ayes ._. I cant go to 3e4, i'd die manzxs.
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.