♥ You're at th losing end Current mood - Delighted (: Current song playing - Tongue tied, Seven second surgery
 Woke up early this morning, left to school, reached around 9+. Stupid china thing, hahah. 'Good afternoon, everyone.....' Omggggz, i'm gonna be feeling sososo awkward. Mr sim caught yours truly for me wearing slippers t school ._. Hahah, bxtccccch. He took my ezlink card away, i kept begging him till he returned it t me. but in exchange, i'd have t go for detention class when school reopens. Laughs! Thats gonna be my second detention class )': But he was super funny luhs, mr sim is a good dm, yes he is :D
  went to collect my passport w mommy after school. Dad waited fr us fr quite awhile ;x my number was like 856 and when i went in it was like 650+ I was like siaouh, almost have t wait for 200 people. Humphs, stupid passport picture, my smile so fake. I looked like i was forcing that damn smile out. Well, cant be helped. I was super agitated by my mom cos she kept pestering me bout my hair. And that fxckup ladyeeee siding my mom, i mean, who you manzxs. Outsider -.-
 After my long wait for th stupid passport, dad fetched me t j8. Went to meet callista fr lunch. Saw jessica and sharon too :) We waited super long for eileen luhs! Stupid woman take so longgggggggggggggggg. still never pick up phone, made me super irritated luhs! ._. then at last she called back, lol. Jessica and sharon left, callista and i went t long johns for lunch. Saw levain and his friends :)
  Left t penisular t meet my stupid honey named eileen. Laughs! That idiot, take so longgggg, so i went t get my backpack first. Haaaah, callista helped me choose :) While waiting fr that big shot, we walked t marina square. Ate at macs, hahah. I love t eat :D And at last she reached, we walked back t penisular. Whoa, i eat so much still walk so much, gain and lose gain and lose, no big deal :} Waited for honey, piepie and company t buy their skinnies.
  Slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked, super sianzzxs. :/ then piepie, ziyi and annabel left after they bought their skinnies. Honey, me and callista headed t j8 again. At first we wanted t surprise honey by buying her a cake w/o her knowing. But very hard to lure her away, that sticky pig. So we went t buy th cake w her. Let her choose her own cake :D Yummy :D So we went t th open area upstairs t celebrate. Many funny things happened (x we couldn't finish th cake, obviously. it was way too mucccccccccch!
 {heartshape drawn by her} Oh! And today......... Callista almost fell down 5 times at penisular. Super funneh, she kept holding on t me. Thennnn, Eileen almost fell down too at i forgot whr. She said ziyi fell down at penisular. Lol! i saw two guys fall down at penisular today too! Make me laugh like siao. One was at th trafficlight, then i thought why he sit down, then i realised his face looking all glump and sour. Obviously he fell down, and he started wiping his butt. Another one was he was walking and he suddenly did a damn funneh action, make me lol ._. Well, i should stop laughing at people.. Cos.... Yours truly didn't almost fall down. But, she fell down :DD HHAHAHAH! I tell you manzxs, when i fell down, i laugh like siaozxsz. Thinking back on how retarded i was. We went t th playground at j8 thr, but i told callista and eileen that its wet, thus gonna be slippery as they almost fell down. and as i was coming down from th playground, somehow i lost friction and i fell on th slide/stairs. Knocked my elbow, till now still pain! D: But super funny, i fall down then i keep laughing, cos no one else saw me fallling except them. Then we all keep laughing, (x Well anw, Happy Falling Down Day :D
  see this stupid girl so happy and touched by us. :} Ahahah! Honey, i love you luhs :) Honeys yibeizi :D ---------- Ohohohhhhh! Yours truly got her streaming results today. Nehneh, i proved my mother wrong :D I'm not going to 3e4, people. Yours truly is going to 3e3. Taking literature + Additional maths + Design & Tech. But ruiyuan wants me t appeal fr 3e2. Hahahah! I know why, cos he's gna miss me when we're in seperate classes. Hah! I bet joshua would cry everynight for mememeeeeee :} Okay, nonsense. ---------- ♥Sweetheart! Yesterday was th fourth time in our one month fourteen days tgt when you wanted t leave me. No more anymore okays? :/ Idiot, stop slashing yourself and doing stupid things, just t hurt yourself. Though while slashing you dont feel th pain, But after you would, like yesterday :/ Stop hurting youself you! Hurt somemore i kill you uhs! Be honoured hor, at least you die in my arms :} Remember, you're th only one that i've ever held on so tight before. I haven't loosen it abit at all. So make sure you dont let me loosen this love and let it fade hor! Hahah, and ! 20122014, heehee. To my htb, my sweetheart. ♥

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
♥ You're at th losing end Current mood - Delighted (: Current song playing - Tongue tied, Seven second surgery
 Woke up early this morning, left to school, reached around 9+. Stupid china thing, hahah. 'Good afternoon, everyone.....' Omggggz, i'm gonna be feeling sososo awkward. Mr sim caught yours truly for me wearing slippers t school ._. Hahah, bxtccccch. He took my ezlink card away, i kept begging him till he returned it t me. but in exchange, i'd have t go for detention class when school reopens. Laughs! Thats gonna be my second detention class )': But he was super funny luhs, mr sim is a good dm, yes he is :D
  went to collect my passport w mommy after school. Dad waited fr us fr quite awhile ;x my number was like 856 and when i went in it was like 650+ I was like siaouh, almost have t wait for 200 people. Humphs, stupid passport picture, my smile so fake. I looked like i was forcing that damn smile out. Well, cant be helped. I was super agitated by my mom cos she kept pestering me bout my hair. And that fxckup ladyeeee siding my mom, i mean, who you manzxs. Outsider -.-
 After my long wait for th stupid passport, dad fetched me t j8. Went to meet callista fr lunch. Saw jessica and sharon too :) We waited super long for eileen luhs! Stupid woman take so longgggggggggggggggg. still never pick up phone, made me super irritated luhs! ._. then at last she called back, lol. Jessica and sharon left, callista and i went t long johns for lunch. Saw levain and his friends :)
  Left t penisular t meet my stupid honey named eileen. Laughs! That idiot, take so longgggg, so i went t get my backpack first. Haaaah, callista helped me choose :) While waiting fr that big shot, we walked t marina square. Ate at macs, hahah. I love t eat :D And at last she reached, we walked back t penisular. Whoa, i eat so much still walk so much, gain and lose gain and lose, no big deal :} Waited for honey, piepie and company t buy their skinnies.
  Slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked, super sianzzxs. :/ then piepie, ziyi and annabel left after they bought their skinnies. Honey, me and callista headed t j8 again. At first we wanted t surprise honey by buying her a cake w/o her knowing. But very hard to lure her away, that sticky pig. So we went t buy th cake w her. Let her choose her own cake :D Yummy :D So we went t th open area upstairs t celebrate. Many funny things happened (x we couldn't finish th cake, obviously. it was way too mucccccccccch!
 {heartshape drawn by her} Oh! And today......... Callista almost fell down 5 times at penisular. Super funneh, she kept holding on t me. Thennnn, Eileen almost fell down too at i forgot whr. She said ziyi fell down at penisular. Lol! i saw two guys fall down at penisular today too! Make me laugh like siao. One was at th trafficlight, then i thought why he sit down, then i realised his face looking all glump and sour. Obviously he fell down, and he started wiping his butt. Another one was he was walking and he suddenly did a damn funneh action, make me lol ._. Well, i should stop laughing at people.. Cos.... Yours truly didn't almost fall down. But, she fell down :DD HHAHAHAH! I tell you manzxs, when i fell down, i laugh like siaozxsz. Thinking back on how retarded i was. We went t th playground at j8 thr, but i told callista and eileen that its wet, thus gonna be slippery as they almost fell down. and as i was coming down from th playground, somehow i lost friction and i fell on th slide/stairs. Knocked my elbow, till now still pain! D: But super funny, i fall down then i keep laughing, cos no one else saw me fallling except them. Then we all keep laughing, (x Well anw, Happy Falling Down Day :D
  see this stupid girl so happy and touched by us. :} Ahahah! Honey, i love you luhs :) Honeys yibeizi :D ---------- Ohohohhhhh! Yours truly got her streaming results today. Nehneh, i proved my mother wrong :D I'm not going to 3e4, people. Yours truly is going to 3e3. Taking literature + Additional maths + Design & Tech. But ruiyuan wants me t appeal fr 3e2. Hahahah! I know why, cos he's gna miss me when we're in seperate classes. Hah! I bet joshua would cry everynight for mememeeeeee :} Okay, nonsense. ---------- ♥Sweetheart! Yesterday was th fourth time in our one month fourteen days tgt when you wanted t leave me. No more anymore okays? :/ Idiot, stop slashing yourself and doing stupid things, just t hurt yourself. Though while slashing you dont feel th pain, But after you would, like yesterday :/ Stop hurting youself you! Hurt somemore i kill you uhs! Be honoured hor, at least you die in my arms :} Remember, you're th only one that i've ever held on so tight before. I haven't loosen it abit at all. So make sure you dont let me loosen this love and let it fade hor! Hahah, and ! 20122014, heehee. To my htb, my sweetheart. ♥
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.