♥ Wasn't it a lil too late before i realised that i've lost you? current mood - Teething current music playing - Girl you know, Scarface
 15 more days till christmas day comeeeees! :} Yayyyy, i'm counting down ohkayyy! Maybe i'd plan t stay awake just t count down till christmas :B Harharrrr! And get eyebags on Christmas day ._. Okay, second thought, maybe i shouldnt..... rigggggggght? Awwwwww, hah. i didn't ask fr any christmas gift yetttt. Kinda weird of me ._. i always do ask fr em' Heehee, i'm greedy, opps. Joshua owes me alot still tho, :) He ought t pass it t me sooooooooooon! Ohohhhh! Talking about joshua, it reminds me about class 2e2'08 [: - Who wanna have class christmas bbq? We can all fork in a little cash each, it's gna be our last class gathering before th new year comes/christmas you know! Dont so cheapskate cos must pay money then dont want ;x Heee, errrrr. Options go class blog type :) We can have it at my house, as mrs lye stays at my condo too -.- Ohohohhhhh, awkwardness. Go invite her yourself if you want, dont make me go t her doorsteps and knock on her door, i tell you, i'd boxxxxxx you manzzzxs! And fr th first time, this isn't a sudden gathering. Give you time t think ehhhh! But i'm not sure if there's still enough pits thats not booked yetttt. unless we have it at downtown orrrr ecp? Hahahha, its getting me excited -.- Message me okays? You should have my contact :} Andandddd, each person comfirm pay less then 10$, so its not expensive at all, rigggggght? :B Oh! People, it WONT be on christmas day, dont worry :) Christmas day, booked by your family :} Laughhhhhhhs! - Ahahah, yummy, bbq :B Laughs! Ohh, talked t noel yesterday [: He was super funny, talked bout alotta things. he hinted t me that he was a perfect guy, made me laugh like wtffff. Hahahah, then he aiyah! Super funny jiu shi luhs! :) Laugh until my cheek became painnnn. Humphs. Thennnnnn, oh! Kevin Chan! :D Remember that we were once bestttt? Laughs! We are now trying t get out bestbfship back :} Hahhah, right bestbfffffffffffff? :] Hahah! Chingay fulldress(?) rehersal tmr :) Shaunaaaa! She better remind me t bring my dear camera. We're supposed t snap pictures! :D Heeehee, maybe meeting her early at 3 or earlier? Eat at kfccccc :} idk why, i've been teething alot lately. oh myyyy, someone, save meeee ): i think it'd be good if you buy me th chewy things that babies love t bite as one of my presents ._. okayyy, joking. Plssssss, dont get me that -.- Yayyyy, i'm excited bout whats happening tmr. Big event manzzzzxs! :} Ohoh, i still gotta teach jiawen th chingay steps ._. Yeshzxszxsc, i remember th whole dance :D Yummyyyyyy. I'm gonna wear a skirt that is twice as long as my leg lengthhh, how cool. :B - Noel, Potato Romeooooo! ♥ 10 December 2008

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
♥ Wasn't it a lil too late before i realised that i've lost you? current mood - Teething current music playing - Girl you know, Scarface
 15 more days till christmas day comeeeees! :} Yayyyy, i'm counting down ohkayyy! Maybe i'd plan t stay awake just t count down till christmas :B Harharrrr! And get eyebags on Christmas day ._. Okay, second thought, maybe i shouldnt..... rigggggggght? Awwwwww, hah. i didn't ask fr any christmas gift yetttt. Kinda weird of me ._. i always do ask fr em' Heehee, i'm greedy, opps. Joshua owes me alot still tho, :) He ought t pass it t me sooooooooooon! Ohohhhh! Talking about joshua, it reminds me about class 2e2'08 [: - Who wanna have class christmas bbq? We can all fork in a little cash each, it's gna be our last class gathering before th new year comes/christmas you know! Dont so cheapskate cos must pay money then dont want ;x Heee, errrrr. Options go class blog type :) We can have it at my house, as mrs lye stays at my condo too -.- Ohohohhhhh, awkwardness. Go invite her yourself if you want, dont make me go t her doorsteps and knock on her door, i tell you, i'd boxxxxxx you manzzzxs! And fr th first time, this isn't a sudden gathering. Give you time t think ehhhh! But i'm not sure if there's still enough pits thats not booked yetttt. unless we have it at downtown orrrr ecp? Hahahha, its getting me excited -.- Message me okays? You should have my contact :} Andandddd, each person comfirm pay less then 10$, so its not expensive at all, rigggggght? :B Oh! People, it WONT be on christmas day, dont worry :) Christmas day, booked by your family :} Laughhhhhhhs! - Ahahah, yummy, bbq :B Laughs! Ohh, talked t noel yesterday [: He was super funny, talked bout alotta things. he hinted t me that he was a perfect guy, made me laugh like wtffff. Hahahah, then he aiyah! Super funny jiu shi luhs! :) Laugh until my cheek became painnnn. Humphs. Thennnnnn, oh! Kevin Chan! :D Remember that we were once bestttt? Laughs! We are now trying t get out bestbfship back :} Hahhah, right bestbfffffffffffff? :] Hahah! Chingay fulldress(?) rehersal tmr :) Shaunaaaa! She better remind me t bring my dear camera. We're supposed t snap pictures! :D Heeehee, maybe meeting her early at 3 or earlier? Eat at kfccccc :} idk why, i've been teething alot lately. oh myyyy, someone, save meeee ): i think it'd be good if you buy me th chewy things that babies love t bite as one of my presents ._. okayyy, joking. Plssssss, dont get me that -.- Yayyyy, i'm excited bout whats happening tmr. Big event manzzzzxs! :} Ohoh, i still gotta teach jiawen th chingay steps ._. Yeshzxszxsc, i remember th whole dance :D Yummyyyyyy. I'm gonna wear a skirt that is twice as long as my leg lengthhh, how cool. :B - Noel, Potato Romeooooo! ♥ 10 December 2008
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.