Tuesday, December 23, 2008
♥ Brokenhearted, i walked away.
Current mood - Ow ow ow, pins and needles ):
Current music playing - Silence
Current mood - Ow ow ow, pins and needles ):
Current music playing - Silence

Yayyyyyy, i'm boreddddd.
Pictures of me throughout whole 2008 :D
I'm supposed t be out now! >:(
All becos of my brother named shaun, that stupid.
Rawr! Call her never pick up, tmd, tell me she still sleeping i box her uh!
That bitch better wake up soon and call me.
Humphs. Make me wait so long!
After i meet tht bitch i have t go fr amaths tuition, hah.
Fxck, i haven't finished my hw yet (:
It's damn tough.
Shaun bitch helped me w it ytd, but i haven't finished them all up.
Walau eh, she better call me soon!
Before i get lazy t get outta e house ^^
Bye alllllll.
I'll update e pictures from ytd later or tmr, me lazy.
Byeeeeezxsc. { inserts heartttttttts* }
Boos, i wanna go see hamsters w tht idiot. ))))))))))))))))))))))):