HEYYYYYYYY. shall rush blogging. Hurhur, i feel very much lazy to update my blog now -.-
 So i woke up around 640. got ready, went to school fr open house. knn, stupid open house so early open in th end also no one -.- have people but less then 10. comfirm. we were very much stoning.
 fancy us training, wearing th ugly new uniform and no fxcking pri6 blahshxt came _l_ next years sec one's shall die. Nehhh, joking. i'd pull them to cheer like what i did this year [: 3 accidents happened to me today if i'm right. first was jessica, she fxcking stepped on laoniang's bestfriends lips when i lifted her -.- so it started bleeding.
 second, was darel and don. we were doing swipe from extention when my bloody lip knocked onto darels cheek -.- don fell.
thrid and last one was done by my dear jessica agian. but mc and i tio-ed tgt this round. when we were about to go for hitch, she got to anxious and stepped onto both our necks during elevator. Haaaaar, i bth, drop her ;x
 left early, went to j8 when danny and yingli. then ate and xiaodi wanted to meet me, so her came j8 to find me. Haaaah, crazy brother and friend. all left tgt, mom fetched me home. left for dance. bye, i'm beat.

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
HEYYYYYYYY. shall rush blogging. Hurhur, i feel very much lazy to update my blog now -.-
 So i woke up around 640. got ready, went to school fr open house. knn, stupid open house so early open in th end also no one -.- have people but less then 10. comfirm. we were very much stoning.
 fancy us training, wearing th ugly new uniform and no fxcking pri6 blahshxt came _l_ next years sec one's shall die. Nehhh, joking. i'd pull them to cheer like what i did this year [: 3 accidents happened to me today if i'm right. first was jessica, she fxcking stepped on laoniang's bestfriends lips when i lifted her -.- so it started bleeding.
 second, was darel and don. we were doing swipe from extention when my bloody lip knocked onto darels cheek -.- don fell.
thrid and last one was done by my dear jessica agian. but mc and i tio-ed tgt this round. when we were about to go for hitch, she got to anxious and stepped onto both our necks during elevator. Haaaaar, i bth, drop her ;x
 left early, went to j8 when danny and yingli. then ate and xiaodi wanted to meet me, so her came j8 to find me. Haaaah, crazy brother and friend. all left tgt, mom fetched me home. left for dance. bye, i'm beat.
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.