Thursday, October 9, 2008
Mathematics paper, Harhar.
I'd swear that maths my favourite subject :}
I'm not boasting that its easy of whatever shxt you think.
i dont know why, but just love maths,
especially algebra :DD
Teeheeee, algebra is fun okays!
Well, so paper one was fine.
I wont say that its easy cos every time i say that,
i fxcking do oh so badly -.-
humph, ass.
Paper two wasn't very much different from paper one.
just that i left one fxcking question blank that fxcking cost my alot of marks.
stupid cycling thingy _l_
Finished paper two on th dot, literally on th dot :O
so that was fr yesterday's paper.

I'd swear that maths my favourite subject :}
I'm not boasting that its easy of whatever shxt you think.
i dont know why, but just love maths,
especially algebra :DD
Teeheeee, algebra is fun okays!
Well, so paper one was fine.
I wont say that its easy cos every time i say that,
i fxcking do oh so badly -.-
humph, ass.
Paper two wasn't very much different from paper one.
just that i left one fxcking question blank that fxcking cost my alot of marks.
stupid cycling thingy _l_
Finished paper two on th dot, literally on th dot :O
so that was fr yesterday's paper.
Science paper, my holijibest subject too.
Section A was fxxxxxxxxxxcking hard i swear.
then section B and C was average,
but a lil harder then average ;/
well, and ms tan jiajun can freaking say that it was an easy paper,
oh well, what to do,
she's going t th second best class next._.
poor graceeee, going t some fxckin' horrible class ]';
and to me, i think tht th test was damn unfair luh.
fxck manzxs, ];
they only concentraded on 3 chapters.
Sex, Atoms and chemical.
i was like w t f -.-
and my favourite ones like light, ecosystem and etc all didn't really appear much.
har har, asshole.
all of it that came out were my most horrible topics canzzzzzzx.

Lol, i seriously should take away my msn from my friendster should i ;o
tell you sth, this girl.
i shan't say her name,
added your laoniang's bestfriend on msn.
then she asked fr my hp no and she wants to be my gan.
Lol, so i was like, i dont know you.
and she was llke, please luhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
omg, i wonder where all this pple gain such courage to do such things sometimes ._.
Section A was fxxxxxxxxxxcking hard i swear.
then section B and C was average,
but a lil harder then average ;/
well, and ms tan jiajun can freaking say that it was an easy paper,
oh well, what to do,
she's going t th second best class next._.
poor graceeee, going t some fxckin' horrible class ]';
and to me, i think tht th test was damn unfair luh.
fxck manzxs, ];
they only concentraded on 3 chapters.
Sex, Atoms and chemical.
i was like w t f -.-
and my favourite ones like light, ecosystem and etc all didn't really appear much.
har har, asshole.
all of it that came out were my most horrible topics canzzzzzzx.
Lol, i seriously should take away my msn from my friendster should i ;o
tell you sth, this girl.
i shan't say her name,
added your laoniang's bestfriend on msn.
then she asked fr my hp no and she wants to be my gan.
Lol, so i was like, i dont know you.
and she was llke, please luhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
omg, i wonder where all this pple gain such courage to do such things sometimes ._.