Hey, i've been missing you much D';
humphs, humphs, humphs.
i swear i'm missing you badly now :'/
Ahhhhh, i tell you sth, its killer )':
So, today was Geography paper.
i tell you manzxs, Grace was crying before her paper -.-
Yeah, fxck yingli. _l_
she didn't even realise that her friend was crying eh._.
Humphs, so why was this stupid woman crying.
Well, thats becos..
when she woke up at around 530,
(which was extremely early -.-)
her stupid stomach was acheing ):
and i dont know why was it acheing okay.
and her second reason was that...
she thinks that she wsn't ready for her test,
and might most probably fail it :/
Okaaays, so thats her two reasons -.-
Hmmm, so i was pressing against my miserable stomach thruout th examination.
Awww, hmm, left one Q blank.
no idea on what to write luhs.
To summarize todays examination i'd say one word:
tomorrow's maths paper.
Paper 1 and 2 mannnnzzxs,
i'm confident yet not confident.
Nehneh luhs -.- Nvrmind.
I'd go thru my work later and later on during tuition [:
Lol, ytd mingru piepie super funneh luhs!
Do work keep making noise.
then th teecher wants her to sit w/ a boy today instead of me -.-
And and, she said that it'd be a 'shuaige'
Lol, omg luhs, eeyer.
- Only one persons everything t me :} -
Then you know what mingru replied her?
she said : ' eee, i dont trust your taste '
Lol, wtf, i seriously cried while laughing luhs.
you should see her expression manzzzzzzzxs [:
tuition at 7 pm ltr
Humphs, i tell you another secret.
Missing someone makes you siao -.-
Like me, i've been listening to th song 'No Love' for more then 10 times.
Harhar, missed you )':
And whatever you said today touched me a l o t.
i l o v e y o u [ :