Helloooooooooohs! I was thinking of using blooger till my 100th post, but i realised that i don't like handling too many things at one time. thus, i decided t tell you thaat i've moved ;) As i've said, i'd start anew. So why not start e sooner e better, right? (: Do relink me, kayyyys! Luv you all! x3. Restarttttttttttttttt :] http://lovedust-x.livejournal.com
♥ Break down.Current mood - Mixture of emotions, hmm Current music playing - Your love is a lie, Simple plan Hellohs. I know i haven't blogged a long time. I haven't had e time t do so tho, cant blame me. School's reoping soon, i dont find myself excited anymore. Maybe thats just e right kind of emotion i should feel before school reopens, yeahhhh.. Christmas this year was fine, wasn't very interesting. No christmas feel. Homed around 11 from my cousin's house after celebration on e 25th. Two lil cousins stayed over at my house. hurr.  26th.Woke up, ate rice. like wtf, rice in e morning. Left home around 1245. Went t meet aloy at city hall, cabbed down t common wealth. Went t his friend's place. Slacked around there lo. Then cabbed down t redhill mrt. Left t meet honey at city hall, turkey couldn't come. Forever sick one she -.- Then, bought some purfume at bodyshop, took mrt t pasiris. Cabbed down t Terie's house. Her house was really nice. her two cute dogs scared me aot tho.   Okay, enough.
♥Its a love story, baby just say yes. Current mood - Joyful, no depressedddd. ): Current music playing - Love remains e same, Gavin Rossdale
 Heehee, hellohs all ;D MERRY CHRISTMAS T ALL BROTHERS, SISTERS, FRIENDS, GANS, TEACHERS, PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS .......... Lauggggghs! :} Just came back from church, going out t cousins house soon. Hahhhh, idk why but, i dont seem very joyful and excited as how i used t be as my previous christmases. ): I Just feel like as tho its a normal day .. I feel sad )': Hahhhh, TeoWeixuan, You roccccckkkkk {Inserts lotttts of hearts} (: Cousins stayed over ytd night. Didn't sleep much last night too, slept around 3am? At first i was staring at my phone -.- Then when it got nearer t christmas, 12 midnight, i started sending messages t people wishing them A merry Christmas :D Well, those whom recieved, be touched okayyyys! I have like 200-300 contacts and i only sent t 40 people okayyys! Laughs! And i sent t some teachers too ^^ Like mr Korrrrrrr and mr Ngggggggg! (x Then, Aloy called. Talked. He kept making me wait ._. Sad luhs! ): Then, he said something damn funneh. He said i should cry fr him, cos he too handsome? Laughs! ._. And tht idiot uhs! Ask me morning call him at 815, i call him 4-5 times that pig never pick up. Humph. Anw, i'm off. Byes all. i l o v e y o u , b u t d o y o u ? : /
♥ Baby, you'd come back(?)current mood - Missing * badly )': current music playing - The man who cant be moved, The script.
  Yaaaayyyy, pictures taken on monday :) It's us, lol. Dont ask me spell all their names out, spell wrong, die.     Adult dancers dancing :} Monday, was fine. Chingay practice, hahah, fun! :D Practiced till 830, beattttttt. We were all yawning luhs. And i still hate e costume ): Next practice at Kallang pa on 10 January 2009! Wowwww, thats fast. I'm missing 2008 alr! But i have many regrets in what i did. But now, i dont regret what ive done.  Left t e prata house after we reached thomson, :)   Grace in thomson plaza's toilet waiting fr stupid and friend :D I keep forgetting her name ;x - Yesterday's.  Out w Shuana, stupid, brother! :} As i thought, that pig slept until 2+, knn, i almost killed her -.- Make me wake up so early, wait fr her stupid phone call at what time (?!) Nevermind, forgive her, since she helped me w my work :D Hahah, anyway, i heard tht e movie wasn't that fantastic ? o: Mingru uhs! Dont anyhow luhs! E movie wasn't that bad whatttttttttt! It wasn't really as sudden as they said nor was it hard t understand. Just that many parts from e book was cut out, but still. i thought e movie was pretty fine :) Shauna thinks e same way too, laughs! ;D   Ohohhhhhhs, i found my metal coke sweet at lastttt :} Heartttttszxc. Vanessa Sweetlover, 2 more days till our one month ohs! Hahah. Luvvvvvvvvs x3. Ohohs, by e way, Merry christmas eve t all ;D Heehee[:
♥ Brokenhearted, i walked away. Current mood - Ow ow ow, pins and needles ): Current music playing - Silence    Yayyyyyy, i'm boreddddd. Pictures of me throughout whole 2008 :DI'm supposed t be out now! >:( Stupid. All becos of my brother named shaun, that stupid. Rawr! Call her never pick up, tmd, tell me she still sleeping i box her uh! That bitch better wake up soon and call me. Humphs. Make me wait so long! After i meet tht bitch i have t go fr amaths tuition, hah. Fxck, i haven't finished my hw yet (: It's damn tough. Shaun bitch helped me w it ytd, but i haven't finished them all up. Walau eh, she better call me soon! Before i get lazy t get outta e house ^^ Bye alllllll. I'll update e pictures from ytd later or tmr, me lazy. Byeeeeezxsc. { inserts heartttttttts* } Boos, i wanna go see hamsters w tht idiot. ))))))))))))))))))))))):
♥ Baby, e meaning of Christmas is you.Current mood - My tummy pain )': Current music playing - Only love, TrademarkAhhhhhh, wait wait wait... Okayyyyys, back :D Have an old picture t share ;)  Alot difference meh ._. On e left, it was me, in 2007 end year, taken around e same date as e one on e right, which is also me taken on 2008 end year!:} Hahah, too bad you can't see my 2006 end year toot toot face :D Though, i wish i had pictures of my past, when i started using digital cameras. I've lost everything ever since i changed t this new com :/ Humphs, ): Nevermind, i shall start anew, yayyy, new grace :) Laughhhhhs! Ohoh, lemme share w you something, TeoWeixuan Luvvvvvvs KooEnLingGrace, Omggggg. Lolll :D
♥ Longing fr your return. Current mood - In loveeeeeeee Current music playing - Until you come back, F.T Island
 {hahah! Cool right, edited it w my phone! Except e words} Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;) Grace found out how t use her usb at lastttt!:D Uber cool i tell you, my usb connects and i can control my whole damn phone thru e com, cool righttttttttttttttts!:} Tuesday's pictures!
   That's shauna, my stupid aka shaun, my brother!:)
  Well thats me, i couldn't help camwhoring as my fringe was side parting, Very seldom my hair would be in such good mood. Wednesday's pictures!
  Downtown east!:D
   Okgays, like fxck, i'm not NOT wearing anything inside okay, i am WEARING things inside (Bikinis, if you're some sicko that wanna know so badly -.-) And i wasn't wearing it fr fun, i came from down town, so obviously i came from wildwildwettttt. Ohoh, and i realised i took e same jacket -.- Not cos i no jacket, was cos i rushed outta my house tht afternoon ._. Okays, at last thrs pictures rightttts!:D Sorry fr showing too much of my faces :o I luvvvvvvv my phone!♥

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
Helloooooooooohs! I was thinking of using blooger till my 100th post, but i realised that i don't like handling too many things at one time. thus, i decided t tell you thaat i've moved ;) As i've said, i'd start anew. So why not start e sooner e better, right? (: Do relink me, kayyyys! Luv you all! x3. Restarttttttttttttttt :] http://lovedust-x.livejournal.com
♥ Break down.Current mood - Mixture of emotions, hmm Current music playing - Your love is a lie, Simple plan Hellohs. I know i haven't blogged a long time. I haven't had e time t do so tho, cant blame me. School's reoping soon, i dont find myself excited anymore. Maybe thats just e right kind of emotion i should feel before school reopens, yeahhhh.. Christmas this year was fine, wasn't very interesting. No christmas feel. Homed around 11 from my cousin's house after celebration on e 25th. Two lil cousins stayed over at my house. hurr.  26th.Woke up, ate rice. like wtf, rice in e morning. Left home around 1245. Went t meet aloy at city hall, cabbed down t common wealth. Went t his friend's place. Slacked around there lo. Then cabbed down t redhill mrt. Left t meet honey at city hall, turkey couldn't come. Forever sick one she -.- Then, bought some purfume at bodyshop, took mrt t pasiris. Cabbed down t Terie's house. Her house was really nice. her two cute dogs scared me aot tho.   Okay, enough.
♥Its a love story, baby just say yes. Current mood - Joyful, no depressedddd. ): Current music playing - Love remains e same, Gavin Rossdale
 Heehee, hellohs all ;D MERRY CHRISTMAS T ALL BROTHERS, SISTERS, FRIENDS, GANS, TEACHERS, PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS .......... Lauggggghs! :} Just came back from church, going out t cousins house soon. Hahhhh, idk why but, i dont seem very joyful and excited as how i used t be as my previous christmases. ): I Just feel like as tho its a normal day .. I feel sad )': Hahhhh, TeoWeixuan, You roccccckkkkk {Inserts lotttts of hearts} (: Cousins stayed over ytd night. Didn't sleep much last night too, slept around 3am? At first i was staring at my phone -.- Then when it got nearer t christmas, 12 midnight, i started sending messages t people wishing them A merry Christmas :D Well, those whom recieved, be touched okayyyys! I have like 200-300 contacts and i only sent t 40 people okayyys! Laughs! And i sent t some teachers too ^^ Like mr Korrrrrrr and mr Ngggggggg! (x Then, Aloy called. Talked. He kept making me wait ._. Sad luhs! ): Then, he said something damn funneh. He said i should cry fr him, cos he too handsome? Laughs! ._. And tht idiot uhs! Ask me morning call him at 815, i call him 4-5 times that pig never pick up. Humph. Anw, i'm off. Byes all. i l o v e y o u , b u t d o y o u ? : /
♥ Baby, you'd come back(?)current mood - Missing * badly )': current music playing - The man who cant be moved, The script.
  Yaaaayyyy, pictures taken on monday :) It's us, lol. Dont ask me spell all their names out, spell wrong, die.     Adult dancers dancing :} Monday, was fine. Chingay practice, hahah, fun! :D Practiced till 830, beattttttt. We were all yawning luhs. And i still hate e costume ): Next practice at Kallang pa on 10 January 2009! Wowwww, thats fast. I'm missing 2008 alr! But i have many regrets in what i did. But now, i dont regret what ive done.  Left t e prata house after we reached thomson, :)   Grace in thomson plaza's toilet waiting fr stupid and friend :D I keep forgetting her name ;x - Yesterday's.  Out w Shuana, stupid, brother! :} As i thought, that pig slept until 2+, knn, i almost killed her -.- Make me wake up so early, wait fr her stupid phone call at what time (?!) Nevermind, forgive her, since she helped me w my work :D Hahah, anyway, i heard tht e movie wasn't that fantastic ? o: Mingru uhs! Dont anyhow luhs! E movie wasn't that bad whatttttttttt! It wasn't really as sudden as they said nor was it hard t understand. Just that many parts from e book was cut out, but still. i thought e movie was pretty fine :) Shauna thinks e same way too, laughs! ;D   Ohohhhhhhs, i found my metal coke sweet at lastttt :} Heartttttszxc. Vanessa Sweetlover, 2 more days till our one month ohs! Hahah. Luvvvvvvvvs x3. Ohohs, by e way, Merry christmas eve t all ;D Heehee[:
♥ Brokenhearted, i walked away. Current mood - Ow ow ow, pins and needles ): Current music playing - Silence    Yayyyyyy, i'm boreddddd. Pictures of me throughout whole 2008 :DI'm supposed t be out now! >:( Stupid. All becos of my brother named shaun, that stupid. Rawr! Call her never pick up, tmd, tell me she still sleeping i box her uh! That bitch better wake up soon and call me. Humphs. Make me wait so long! After i meet tht bitch i have t go fr amaths tuition, hah. Fxck, i haven't finished my hw yet (: It's damn tough. Shaun bitch helped me w it ytd, but i haven't finished them all up. Walau eh, she better call me soon! Before i get lazy t get outta e house ^^ Bye alllllll. I'll update e pictures from ytd later or tmr, me lazy. Byeeeeezxsc. { inserts heartttttttts* } Boos, i wanna go see hamsters w tht idiot. ))))))))))))))))))))))):
♥ Baby, e meaning of Christmas is you.Current mood - My tummy pain )': Current music playing - Only love, TrademarkAhhhhhh, wait wait wait... Okayyyyys, back :D Have an old picture t share ;)  Alot difference meh ._. On e left, it was me, in 2007 end year, taken around e same date as e one on e right, which is also me taken on 2008 end year!:} Hahah, too bad you can't see my 2006 end year toot toot face :D Though, i wish i had pictures of my past, when i started using digital cameras. I've lost everything ever since i changed t this new com :/ Humphs, ): Nevermind, i shall start anew, yayyy, new grace :) Laughhhhhs! Ohoh, lemme share w you something, TeoWeixuan Luvvvvvvs KooEnLingGrace, Omggggg. Lolll :D
♥ Longing fr your return. Current mood - In loveeeeeeee Current music playing - Until you come back, F.T Island
 {hahah! Cool right, edited it w my phone! Except e words} Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;) Grace found out how t use her usb at lastttt!:D Uber cool i tell you, my usb connects and i can control my whole damn phone thru e com, cool righttttttttttttttts!:} Tuesday's pictures!
   That's shauna, my stupid aka shaun, my brother!:)
  Well thats me, i couldn't help camwhoring as my fringe was side parting, Very seldom my hair would be in such good mood. Wednesday's pictures!
  Downtown east!:D
   Okgays, like fxck, i'm not NOT wearing anything inside okay, i am WEARING things inside (Bikinis, if you're some sicko that wanna know so badly -.-) And i wasn't wearing it fr fun, i came from down town, so obviously i came from wildwildwettttt. Ohoh, and i realised i took e same jacket -.- Not cos i no jacket, was cos i rushed outta my house tht afternoon ._. Okays, at last thrs pictures rightttts!:D Sorry fr showing too much of my faces :o I luvvvvvvv my phone!♥
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.