♥Sealed w/ a kiss. Hey people, long time since i've blogged bout my life ayes. oh well, lifes a boreeee. Monday - I can't remember what i did, Ohohoh, i remember, i stayed at home. Ruiyuan yet calling, so we talked alot recently. My good old buddy, hope we'd be in th same class next year yeah. Tuesday - Well done grace, getting mixed up on your ballet timing ayes. Lol, ballet was at 530, yours truly went at 230, mom fetched me home first, and fetched me back later on. Ballet, was great, as usual. But, i was uder alotta stress i tell you. I was standing right infront of Ms McCully during th barre work. So yes, she kept shouting my name, 'Grace! Straighten your leg! Your leg is bent!' Hahahahs, well, i'm not blaming her. Well, it helps me. She talked to me one day telling me that she was disappointed, disappointed in me. Ohyes, i'm disappointed in myself too. I suck at dancing. Har har, well. Grace, you better start working hard, and stop sucking at everything you do yo. Wednesday - Eat shxt and die, bang. Hmmmmm, yesterday eh. Hahahhah, tell you a secret. I've been playing neopets alot lately :D Oh yeaaah, N E O P E T S eh! Dont playplay, hahahs. Back to childhood days, esp in pri sch. Keep playing like siao, lost touch w/ it for many years. Now, i'm playing it t spend my time, wisely :B Laughs! It changed alot i tell you! You should go check it out ;o www.neopets.com Hahahah! Add me add me. 'scarsoflove' Rofl, ruiyuan plays neopets w/ me (x Then at night, super emotional manzxs. talked to sweetheart :) Today - supposed t have class outing today! but was postponed to monday instead (: slept my whole morning away. woke up around 11 near 12 ? slept around 3 plus thats why. Theeeeeen, played w/ my pet till late afternoon. Back t th bed to sleeeeeep, oh yeah, i love t sleep :D Woke up, eat dinner and here i am again. Hahah, all th best t my eyes. i swear, it'd die sooonzxs. Byebye people, i'm still trying t get my faerie paintbrush, for my cute lil pet :}
 Laughs! Look at this picture manzxs, one big act cute face down thr._. Guess whose th photographer? Stupid, me luhs! See th skills know liao ;x Laughs! Last long with her wor actcute!:) ---------- Talked to singwei on th phone last night. Laughs! singwei gimme nickname -.- he calls me ling-er, so i called him hiang-er. LOL Quite fun luhs, so long never talk to him, hear all his cock :B Hahahs! :B Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, Christmas is coming :} Blow me kisses, i'd catch them
  Laughs! Look at that picture manzxs, taken like more than a year ago when i still could fit inside my old school uniform :} I remembered a year ago, when i first entered whitley, i complained so much about th lack of facilities. As i was from th top primary schools in Singapore, which was rich and had almost anything you asked fr, and i got used to that for my six full years of education thr. And all of th sudden, my result were flunked so i droped t a neighbourhood school. i swear, i was really irritated with my 'new school'. I remembered how much i hated this school before i took my psle. i told myself, that i wouldn't wanna go to that school. my friend asked me to appeal for this school, i said, hell no. whoa, for all you know, my results was a bloody 207, no choice, put whitley second choice. I knew th chances of getting into my first choice were lower then hell. but i didn't give up -.- i continued wearing my primary school's uniform for around 2/3 weeks, th stupid school didn't contact me, so i gave up. bought this school's uniform, and started to accept reality, of entering this school. started to socialize w/ my classmates, made friends. Haaaaarh, i remembered i made no effort in making friends when i first entered this school. And th thing that i was most not used to was th races. i was from a chinese school, so i didnt have any malay/indian friends. well, i guess entering whitley really changed my life, alot. it changed me, my person, my attitude. oh well, i guess its better for me :) now, i'm friends with almost everyone whom i know, races aren't that important anymore, its their hearts that i care about. Laughs! My life in whitley is shortening ): i remembered i had tears of hatred when i first entered this school, but now, i guess, i'd have tears of sadness on leaving such a school that gave me such memories )': th wonderful friends i've made, too. so quickly, two years had passed in a blink of an eye ): next year, i'd be in a different class of my clique of friends in class i'd be missing, every single one of you guys. EileenHoney:Honey, thanks for always being there for my and siding me when yingli has her siaoness clicked on in her mind -.- Tho we've fought alot in this two years, it proved to us that we should treasure each other more, shouldn't me? (: Haahah, if we're not gonna be streamed into th same class next year, i think for my next year my school term starts, i'd feel really weird. who'd i hang out with and share secrets and gossip with :/ Omf, honey, i'd really miss you alot ): we'd still keep in touch and not let our 'honeyness' fade :O Love you, honey :) KaixinLove: Love! tho we haven't been very close this year like how we've been last year, i'm really glad to have you as my friend :) You're th only siao one thats happy no matter what, but cries over .... matters. Laughs! i remember how we fought last year, ignoring each other -.- lame. Lol, but i told you how i felt later on, hahah! i swear, it was really hard for me to hate you that time, i couldn't find a reason. it just made me sadddd, and i cried horh, you idiot. And when we went to th beach together this year, you cried and scolded th sea for washing away yuto's name? Hahah, great moments spent with you. And you cheered me up on my birthday :} Love you ! :) Jiajun:
Heyho, Hahahahah! Grace called you a bxtch last year manzxs. Lol, sorry for our bad start on our friendship. started with hatred ayes, but who cares, its th ending that i care ;x Lol ! joking -.- sorry ohs. Hahah, you clever woman! fancy getting so high level positions! comfirm different class liao. you e2 kia. All th best in your bright bright future woman! Hahahahs ! Love you ! :D Vanessa:Ah neh uh ah neh ! you stupid girl, make small girl cry ): Roar! Ahneh! hope next year we go same class worzxs ! :B thanks fr showing me gay and make me want vomit also -.- Roars! Hahhah! Ah neh! Love you ayes! :B
nothing new today, went for ballet :) well, i was kinda a loner .. cos, my friends weren't able to promote to th next grade yet, as we'd actually need 2 years of practice before promoting, but yeah, i can promote, alone :/ learnt new things today, i think i lost much weight, :B Hahahahah! want lose weight? Join ballet luh, so fun :) Laughs! Enough of my lameness -.- Hohoh! two more days till actcute and my one month! :D no pictures today, have but dont want post. cos i tied my hair all up :} laughs! talked alil bit of cock w/ singwei wuxim. Haaaahs, that cock as cocky as usual ;x Bye people, imma happy girl today. i l♥v you many many much much much much many many, laughs, cute right :B okay, joking -.- enough craps.
Hahahahahahahahahah :B went for ballet just now, whoa, 3 times a week leyhzxs! tuesday, friday and saturday! :O i felt sick today ): blogged fr class blog and th next moment some fxker came t spam. Omf, he's like a comfirmed pervert cans! Keep saying me, me, me -.- What say i love you, want kiss me etcetc. _l_ that cb face. People, its not zailiang hor! Dont say him leyhzxs!): At first we thought was weehong, but it was fake -.- Wth, that bloodaye humji kia name also hum to write =.= argh, laoniang's bestfriend th head painpain. Byebye.
LASTDAYOFSCHOOL ):Hello people, today was a sad sad day ;o recieved my report book, results weren't acceptable at all -.- My maths grade was pulled down a heavy sum _l_  my class position was worst -.- 28 / 40 ehzxs ! knn, i'm like th other half of th class tht did badly. nevermind class uh, level position can go suck cock -.- it is ... . . . . . 109/159 _l_ _l_ _l_   But, that wasn't th only sad thing. Last day of school eh, you tell me which idiot not sad (in my class) Haaaah, at 11pm, we took th last class photo tgt, i think? then we hugged each other, alot.   Love cried, i felt sad too. See her tears, also made me cry -.- so i hugged her and cried, alot. i warned everyone not to cry infront of me before -.- i'm special, i see people cry, i'd cry too. worst thing is that, cry, very hard to stop ):   went outside class, more people saw me, wtf -.- manoj saw me call me crybaby ._.   Then, Muthu said that he was gonna transfer school. Okay, not a very big deal. But still, it was saddening... cos.. he was th one that cheered us up at times, making jokes that were lame but still made us laugh, being racist again joshua and friends. he wasn't really treated well by our class :/ well, i guess now's too late to regret. he was one of th first few friends i made in whitley. or should i say, my first indian friend ;o  And then, while hugging love, i started thinking of our past we shared tgt. ): i feel really sad now, cos we know that most probably we'd be in separate classes. no more seeing our class fight and joshua th flower acting cool :/   i swear i'd miss this class and th memories & happiness it brought me. Class 2E2 2008, of Whitley Secondary. i l♥ve every single one of you guys. i'd bring this memories along w/ me in my journey of life.  i cant believe this years ended so quickly. in a blink of an eye ): all th examinations i've went thru, childish fights eileenhoney and i had. i'd really treasure them, as next year's gonna be another year, w/ a whole new class, and friends t make. damnit, i wanna cry )':  2e2 of year 2008 would be a forever in our minds :) next year's 2e2 better treasure our classroom hor ! :O
  today was a fine day. woke up, unwillingly, around 630? thanks to honey -.- Haaaah, if it wasn't because of her, i'd be sleeeeeeeeping till late [: ~
  rushed down th stairs t catch my condo bus. ended up waiting for honey at prime -.- did practically nothing in school. just slacked time away ;o  But, its really very saddening t realise that 1e2/2e2 would be splitted up next year. streamed into different classes. )': most of th guys that we're close to in class are gonna go t e1/e2 ): and th group of girls i mix w/ are doing e3/e4 which includes me -.- 2 years of being classmates, apparently wasn't enough fr me. i'll miss everyone D':
  joshua shall continue lending me his tie till i grad :} spent my afternoon in grandmother's home. Parents coming home tmr :) Oh yeah, before i forget.. Ah hong wants me to post that she managed to break th code that i posted ytd ;o true, hahahah. but she asked fr clues [: so not really counted. Laughs! So i told her everything ;o Report book tmr :/ Posting of classes on 10Nov, i'm freaked out :l i'm hun grey.
this picture was taken cos i found their legs colour tone very different, fairest t tannest. All guys one ehs (x Laughs!
Music : When I Grow Up Mood : Sad
 Ugly picture editing, ugly mood, ugly everything. So whats up w/ this fxckedup world now :( I feel so damn damn damnnnnnnn tired of this :/ Well grace woke up at 6+ replied sweethearts message and went back to sleep. then she slept till 8-9 ? Yeaaaaaapzxs, didn't go school. stayed at home, home sweet home. Arghs, i feel damn bad too, i feel like vomiting -.- and i fxcking dont know why, ever since yesterday canzxs canzzzzzzxs! I think i know why, thanks to ahneh -.- Laughs! she showed me something, its still running thru my mind =.= Currently, i love th song TONIGHT, alot. Meaningful, makes me wna cry :/ fxck all th love songs ;o nevermind, i like sad love songs/stories. Yeah, what to do, Grace leads her life as a saddistic. tmd. {diotnnkwohywemiaefelilignjaosul,veierveneltfhstiyabwfoer.} Haaaaah, break th code yourself. you understand or can read i give you 100,000,000$. I got chosen fr ballet t go to th next grade, means i'm able to skip a year. Yeah, good fr me. Lessons starts from today, twice every week. ( i think ) Yes, i'm scared. my heart's pumping like wtfxck -.- Cos i doubt i'd be any of my friends, well... independence _l_ i swear i hate this word. ): Means i gotta make friends. Har har, no doubt, i'm unfriendly to people whom i dont know, unless i feel that i wanna make friends w/ them. Bye, my hearts pumping faster every second :/ I've seriously got nothing to say to you now, i dont know whats right for me. :'/
Music : Sunday Mornings Mood : Brooding over her past Recently, i dont know why i've been thinking about th past. Suddenly i'm brooding over my past. I d o n ' t u n d e r s t a n d m y s e l f . i remember me, last year.. around end of mid years, i'd be crying out alot. Thinking about tht used to be my special someone, seeing th place that gave me memories. walking outside th gymnasium whr th old school gate was, walking and thinking and brooding over whatever that had happened. and everytime i heard songs like.. -Thanks fr th memories -Perfect and afew others, i'd wanna cry ;o slowly, i got over it. and soon after i got hit by another attack. around last months in last year, th same thing happened. Grace broke down, again.. this time th songs were.. -Anything but ordinary -When you're gone and etc again. Laughs! Life's tough isn't it? Well, you never know when's my next attack coming-.- i've lost too much tears last year. so that was how i slowly changed, to a status of that such things aren't gonna be my number one priority. g a v e u p . Every love story has its own song.
  Left home around 1140? Dad fetched me to toa payoh. went to meet honeybaby first. At around 3 went to meet Velda precious :) Haaah, her hair chio lehyzxs. After that wait at breadtalk th outside wait for her stead. they went to lan. Grace didnt wanna go in, she detest such places -.-
 stayed outside called AlgeneDaddyyyyyy. Argue w/ him then he decided to take a trip down to tpy to meet his daughter ;} when i called him, he was like: 'Your laopei now on cab coming down liao' L o l, i swear he changed alot. i was like whr you to realised that i saw him but didnt know it was him. From a emoemo cute dad that wore back so often, he became a good boy that wore a white tee. Hahahs! i was shocked when i saw his hair.. but still, my dad :) Haaah, being a very filial daughter, i bought a ticket from him fr his boys town thingy, which bloody costed laoniang's bestfriend 10 bucksxzz. slacked around, went to Amk hub w/ precious, bought grey skinnies. For some reasons, whatever i ate today all tasted so good -.- th fries and bubble tea made me want a second helping. Goodbyezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxs. i wanna go tam tmr, )': 
HEYYYYYYYY. shall rush blogging. Hurhur, i feel very much lazy to update my blog now -.-
 So i woke up around 640. got ready, went to school fr open house. knn, stupid open house so early open in th end also no one -.- have people but less then 10. comfirm. we were very much stoning.
 fancy us training, wearing th ugly new uniform and no fxcking pri6 blahshxt came _l_ next years sec one's shall die. Nehhh, joking. i'd pull them to cheer like what i did this year [: 3 accidents happened to me today if i'm right. first was jessica, she fxcking stepped on laoniang's bestfriends lips when i lifted her -.- so it started bleeding.
 second, was darel and don. we were doing swipe from extention when my bloody lip knocked onto darels cheek -.- don fell.
thrid and last one was done by my dear jessica agian. but mc and i tio-ed tgt this round. when we were about to go for hitch, she got to anxious and stepped onto both our necks during elevator. Haaaaar, i bth, drop her ;x
 left early, went to j8 when danny and yingli. then ate and xiaodi wanted to meet me, so her came j8 to find me. Haaaah, crazy brother and friend. all left tgt, mom fetched me home. left for dance. bye, i'm beat.

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
♥Sealed w/ a kiss. Hey people, long time since i've blogged bout my life ayes. oh well, lifes a boreeee. Monday - I can't remember what i did, Ohohoh, i remember, i stayed at home. Ruiyuan yet calling, so we talked alot recently. My good old buddy, hope we'd be in th same class next year yeah. Tuesday - Well done grace, getting mixed up on your ballet timing ayes. Lol, ballet was at 530, yours truly went at 230, mom fetched me home first, and fetched me back later on. Ballet, was great, as usual. But, i was uder alotta stress i tell you. I was standing right infront of Ms McCully during th barre work. So yes, she kept shouting my name, 'Grace! Straighten your leg! Your leg is bent!' Hahahahs, well, i'm not blaming her. Well, it helps me. She talked to me one day telling me that she was disappointed, disappointed in me. Ohyes, i'm disappointed in myself too. I suck at dancing. Har har, well. Grace, you better start working hard, and stop sucking at everything you do yo. Wednesday - Eat shxt and die, bang. Hmmmmm, yesterday eh. Hahahhah, tell you a secret. I've been playing neopets alot lately :D Oh yeaaah, N E O P E T S eh! Dont playplay, hahahs. Back to childhood days, esp in pri sch. Keep playing like siao, lost touch w/ it for many years. Now, i'm playing it t spend my time, wisely :B Laughs! It changed alot i tell you! You should go check it out ;o www.neopets.com Hahahah! Add me add me. 'scarsoflove' Rofl, ruiyuan plays neopets w/ me (x Then at night, super emotional manzxs. talked to sweetheart :) Today - supposed t have class outing today! but was postponed to monday instead (: slept my whole morning away. woke up around 11 near 12 ? slept around 3 plus thats why. Theeeeeen, played w/ my pet till late afternoon. Back t th bed to sleeeeeep, oh yeah, i love t sleep :D Woke up, eat dinner and here i am again. Hahah, all th best t my eyes. i swear, it'd die sooonzxs. Byebye people, i'm still trying t get my faerie paintbrush, for my cute lil pet :}
 Laughs! Look at this picture manzxs, one big act cute face down thr._. Guess whose th photographer? Stupid, me luhs! See th skills know liao ;x Laughs! Last long with her wor actcute!:) ---------- Talked to singwei on th phone last night. Laughs! singwei gimme nickname -.- he calls me ling-er, so i called him hiang-er. LOL Quite fun luhs, so long never talk to him, hear all his cock :B Hahahs! :B Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, Christmas is coming :} Blow me kisses, i'd catch them
  Laughs! Look at that picture manzxs, taken like more than a year ago when i still could fit inside my old school uniform :} I remembered a year ago, when i first entered whitley, i complained so much about th lack of facilities. As i was from th top primary schools in Singapore, which was rich and had almost anything you asked fr, and i got used to that for my six full years of education thr. And all of th sudden, my result were flunked so i droped t a neighbourhood school. i swear, i was really irritated with my 'new school'. I remembered how much i hated this school before i took my psle. i told myself, that i wouldn't wanna go to that school. my friend asked me to appeal for this school, i said, hell no. whoa, for all you know, my results was a bloody 207, no choice, put whitley second choice. I knew th chances of getting into my first choice were lower then hell. but i didn't give up -.- i continued wearing my primary school's uniform for around 2/3 weeks, th stupid school didn't contact me, so i gave up. bought this school's uniform, and started to accept reality, of entering this school. started to socialize w/ my classmates, made friends. Haaaaarh, i remembered i made no effort in making friends when i first entered this school. And th thing that i was most not used to was th races. i was from a chinese school, so i didnt have any malay/indian friends. well, i guess entering whitley really changed my life, alot. it changed me, my person, my attitude. oh well, i guess its better for me :) now, i'm friends with almost everyone whom i know, races aren't that important anymore, its their hearts that i care about. Laughs! My life in whitley is shortening ): i remembered i had tears of hatred when i first entered this school, but now, i guess, i'd have tears of sadness on leaving such a school that gave me such memories )': th wonderful friends i've made, too. so quickly, two years had passed in a blink of an eye ): next year, i'd be in a different class of my clique of friends in class i'd be missing, every single one of you guys. EileenHoney:Honey, thanks for always being there for my and siding me when yingli has her siaoness clicked on in her mind -.- Tho we've fought alot in this two years, it proved to us that we should treasure each other more, shouldn't me? (: Haahah, if we're not gonna be streamed into th same class next year, i think for my next year my school term starts, i'd feel really weird. who'd i hang out with and share secrets and gossip with :/ Omf, honey, i'd really miss you alot ): we'd still keep in touch and not let our 'honeyness' fade :O Love you, honey :) KaixinLove: Love! tho we haven't been very close this year like how we've been last year, i'm really glad to have you as my friend :) You're th only siao one thats happy no matter what, but cries over .... matters. Laughs! i remember how we fought last year, ignoring each other -.- lame. Lol, but i told you how i felt later on, hahah! i swear, it was really hard for me to hate you that time, i couldn't find a reason. it just made me sadddd, and i cried horh, you idiot. And when we went to th beach together this year, you cried and scolded th sea for washing away yuto's name? Hahah, great moments spent with you. And you cheered me up on my birthday :} Love you ! :) Jiajun:
Heyho, Hahahahah! Grace called you a bxtch last year manzxs. Lol, sorry for our bad start on our friendship. started with hatred ayes, but who cares, its th ending that i care ;x Lol ! joking -.- sorry ohs. Hahah, you clever woman! fancy getting so high level positions! comfirm different class liao. you e2 kia. All th best in your bright bright future woman! Hahahahs ! Love you ! :D Vanessa:Ah neh uh ah neh ! you stupid girl, make small girl cry ): Roar! Ahneh! hope next year we go same class worzxs ! :B thanks fr showing me gay and make me want vomit also -.- Roars! Hahhah! Ah neh! Love you ayes! :B
nothing new today, went for ballet :) well, i was kinda a loner .. cos, my friends weren't able to promote to th next grade yet, as we'd actually need 2 years of practice before promoting, but yeah, i can promote, alone :/ learnt new things today, i think i lost much weight, :B Hahahahah! want lose weight? Join ballet luh, so fun :) Laughs! Enough of my lameness -.- Hohoh! two more days till actcute and my one month! :D no pictures today, have but dont want post. cos i tied my hair all up :} laughs! talked alil bit of cock w/ singwei wuxim. Haaaahs, that cock as cocky as usual ;x Bye people, imma happy girl today. i l♥v you many many much much much much many many, laughs, cute right :B okay, joking -.- enough craps.
Hahahahahahahahahah :B went for ballet just now, whoa, 3 times a week leyhzxs! tuesday, friday and saturday! :O i felt sick today ): blogged fr class blog and th next moment some fxker came t spam. Omf, he's like a comfirmed pervert cans! Keep saying me, me, me -.- What say i love you, want kiss me etcetc. _l_ that cb face. People, its not zailiang hor! Dont say him leyhzxs!): At first we thought was weehong, but it was fake -.- Wth, that bloodaye humji kia name also hum to write =.= argh, laoniang's bestfriend th head painpain. Byebye.
LASTDAYOFSCHOOL ):Hello people, today was a sad sad day ;o recieved my report book, results weren't acceptable at all -.- My maths grade was pulled down a heavy sum _l_  my class position was worst -.- 28 / 40 ehzxs ! knn, i'm like th other half of th class tht did badly. nevermind class uh, level position can go suck cock -.- it is ... . . . . . 109/159 _l_ _l_ _l_   But, that wasn't th only sad thing. Last day of school eh, you tell me which idiot not sad (in my class) Haaaah, at 11pm, we took th last class photo tgt, i think? then we hugged each other, alot.   Love cried, i felt sad too. See her tears, also made me cry -.- so i hugged her and cried, alot. i warned everyone not to cry infront of me before -.- i'm special, i see people cry, i'd cry too. worst thing is that, cry, very hard to stop ):   went outside class, more people saw me, wtf -.- manoj saw me call me crybaby ._.   Then, Muthu said that he was gonna transfer school. Okay, not a very big deal. But still, it was saddening... cos.. he was th one that cheered us up at times, making jokes that were lame but still made us laugh, being racist again joshua and friends. he wasn't really treated well by our class :/ well, i guess now's too late to regret. he was one of th first few friends i made in whitley. or should i say, my first indian friend ;o  And then, while hugging love, i started thinking of our past we shared tgt. ): i feel really sad now, cos we know that most probably we'd be in separate classes. no more seeing our class fight and joshua th flower acting cool :/   i swear i'd miss this class and th memories & happiness it brought me. Class 2E2 2008, of Whitley Secondary. i l♥ve every single one of you guys. i'd bring this memories along w/ me in my journey of life.  i cant believe this years ended so quickly. in a blink of an eye ): all th examinations i've went thru, childish fights eileenhoney and i had. i'd really treasure them, as next year's gonna be another year, w/ a whole new class, and friends t make. damnit, i wanna cry )':  2e2 of year 2008 would be a forever in our minds :) next year's 2e2 better treasure our classroom hor ! :O
  today was a fine day. woke up, unwillingly, around 630? thanks to honey -.- Haaaah, if it wasn't because of her, i'd be sleeeeeeeeping till late [: ~
  rushed down th stairs t catch my condo bus. ended up waiting for honey at prime -.- did practically nothing in school. just slacked time away ;o  But, its really very saddening t realise that 1e2/2e2 would be splitted up next year. streamed into different classes. )': most of th guys that we're close to in class are gonna go t e1/e2 ): and th group of girls i mix w/ are doing e3/e4 which includes me -.- 2 years of being classmates, apparently wasn't enough fr me. i'll miss everyone D':
  joshua shall continue lending me his tie till i grad :} spent my afternoon in grandmother's home. Parents coming home tmr :) Oh yeah, before i forget.. Ah hong wants me to post that she managed to break th code that i posted ytd ;o true, hahahah. but she asked fr clues [: so not really counted. Laughs! So i told her everything ;o Report book tmr :/ Posting of classes on 10Nov, i'm freaked out :l i'm hun grey.
this picture was taken cos i found their legs colour tone very different, fairest t tannest. All guys one ehs (x Laughs!
Music : When I Grow Up Mood : Sad
 Ugly picture editing, ugly mood, ugly everything. So whats up w/ this fxckedup world now :( I feel so damn damn damnnnnnnn tired of this :/ Well grace woke up at 6+ replied sweethearts message and went back to sleep. then she slept till 8-9 ? Yeaaaaaapzxs, didn't go school. stayed at home, home sweet home. Arghs, i feel damn bad too, i feel like vomiting -.- and i fxcking dont know why, ever since yesterday canzxs canzzzzzzxs! I think i know why, thanks to ahneh -.- Laughs! she showed me something, its still running thru my mind =.= Currently, i love th song TONIGHT, alot. Meaningful, makes me wna cry :/ fxck all th love songs ;o nevermind, i like sad love songs/stories. Yeah, what to do, Grace leads her life as a saddistic. tmd. {diotnnkwohywemiaefelilignjaosul,veierveneltfhstiyabwfoer.} Haaaaah, break th code yourself. you understand or can read i give you 100,000,000$. I got chosen fr ballet t go to th next grade, means i'm able to skip a year. Yeah, good fr me. Lessons starts from today, twice every week. ( i think ) Yes, i'm scared. my heart's pumping like wtfxck -.- Cos i doubt i'd be any of my friends, well... independence _l_ i swear i hate this word. ): Means i gotta make friends. Har har, no doubt, i'm unfriendly to people whom i dont know, unless i feel that i wanna make friends w/ them. Bye, my hearts pumping faster every second :/ I've seriously got nothing to say to you now, i dont know whats right for me. :'/
Music : Sunday Mornings Mood : Brooding over her past Recently, i dont know why i've been thinking about th past. Suddenly i'm brooding over my past. I d o n ' t u n d e r s t a n d m y s e l f . i remember me, last year.. around end of mid years, i'd be crying out alot. Thinking about tht used to be my special someone, seeing th place that gave me memories. walking outside th gymnasium whr th old school gate was, walking and thinking and brooding over whatever that had happened. and everytime i heard songs like.. -Thanks fr th memories -Perfect and afew others, i'd wanna cry ;o slowly, i got over it. and soon after i got hit by another attack. around last months in last year, th same thing happened. Grace broke down, again.. this time th songs were.. -Anything but ordinary -When you're gone and etc again. Laughs! Life's tough isn't it? Well, you never know when's my next attack coming-.- i've lost too much tears last year. so that was how i slowly changed, to a status of that such things aren't gonna be my number one priority. g a v e u p . Every love story has its own song.
  Left home around 1140? Dad fetched me to toa payoh. went to meet honeybaby first. At around 3 went to meet Velda precious :) Haaah, her hair chio lehyzxs. After that wait at breadtalk th outside wait for her stead. they went to lan. Grace didnt wanna go in, she detest such places -.-
 stayed outside called AlgeneDaddyyyyyy. Argue w/ him then he decided to take a trip down to tpy to meet his daughter ;} when i called him, he was like: 'Your laopei now on cab coming down liao' L o l, i swear he changed alot. i was like whr you to realised that i saw him but didnt know it was him. From a emoemo cute dad that wore back so often, he became a good boy that wore a white tee. Hahahs! i was shocked when i saw his hair.. but still, my dad :) Haaah, being a very filial daughter, i bought a ticket from him fr his boys town thingy, which bloody costed laoniang's bestfriend 10 bucksxzz. slacked around, went to Amk hub w/ precious, bought grey skinnies. For some reasons, whatever i ate today all tasted so good -.- th fries and bubble tea made me want a second helping. Goodbyezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxs. i wanna go tam tmr, )': 
HEYYYYYYYY. shall rush blogging. Hurhur, i feel very much lazy to update my blog now -.-
 So i woke up around 640. got ready, went to school fr open house. knn, stupid open house so early open in th end also no one -.- have people but less then 10. comfirm. we were very much stoning.
 fancy us training, wearing th ugly new uniform and no fxcking pri6 blahshxt came _l_ next years sec one's shall die. Nehhh, joking. i'd pull them to cheer like what i did this year [: 3 accidents happened to me today if i'm right. first was jessica, she fxcking stepped on laoniang's bestfriends lips when i lifted her -.- so it started bleeding.
 second, was darel and don. we were doing swipe from extention when my bloody lip knocked onto darels cheek -.- don fell.
thrid and last one was done by my dear jessica agian. but mc and i tio-ed tgt this round. when we were about to go for hitch, she got to anxious and stepped onto both our necks during elevator. Haaaaar, i bth, drop her ;x
 left early, went to j8 when danny and yingli. then ate and xiaodi wanted to meet me, so her came j8 to find me. Haaaah, crazy brother and friend. all left tgt, mom fetched me home. left for dance. bye, i'm beat.
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.