YESTERDAY: fxck, fuxk, fcuk, fuck jiayi. _l_ _l_ _l_ why does she always have to be a fuck infront of me-.- cheer had nothing special. as usual, i was arguing with that slut. wwwwwwhy? she always starts it. puh-lease, a big grown up like you, cant you be more mature. Ah, damnit. Stupid trainer _l_ i miss michelle): (former coach) hah! Jiayi -.- Bloody shit, made us do so much lame things. first i told michellehong, darel, eileen and don that we count 10 by ten, since we got punished by her for not running all th 20=40 rounds-.- i bloody sat down for less then 15 mins, i swear. and she said that i fcuking didn't run. damn, Harhar _l_ so we were supposed to do 50 squat jumps and more other PT. she fcuking didn't understand wtf i was talking about and shouted at me, asking me to do 1000 squatjumps -.- HAHAH, lame fuck. i shouted back to her, whee, and th arguement started. but, th lamest thing ever is that, everytime she started an arguement with me, she ends up being th one that shuts th fk up. bodoh sia, you know why? she doesn't know what to answer back =.=" honestly, i dont respect her, _l_ damnit, i miss th old squat so much, haagen cheerleading... when, seriously, when.. can we be th same again.): we've all drifted, so far away from each other, doubt we'd ever be th same again. i miss our december holiday training, when we worked so hard together, sometimes we cried as th training was so tiring.): Ah, i miss it ): everything remained th same till.. somewhere this year :/ remember ellis's nose, it bleeded like crazy cos of our training. we strived, but now? dont talk about it. everyone's slowing leaving th team. why? cos of this new trainer _l_ i hate her, to th core.
 TODAY: you know what? Grace suddenly misses long hair so much): i wish some clever people would like invent some coolio make hair grow faster cream-.- hahahs, retard._.
  haahs, sad. so see that picture below?:O humphs, i miss veldaprecious. it's been a long time since we've last hang out tgt.
precious, i've missed you so D: you've changed so much since we met. who cares, i still love you. just dont go astray too much yeah. {L}
 Huuuur, sorry for all th old pictures. i suddenly felt like ranting about th past. i seriously missed it much. everything, everythings drifting. even sucker, yes. >:'( Roar, lastly, grace wanna say something. she's sad): Ballet later, hope i dont screw it. D: Eoys in two weeks time, mugging time, soon. still stuck in my love story ): i wish edward cullen's a really existed as a vampire D": Ahhhh~ *heart flutters* ---------- *Rmb, grace is MIA now. keep this blog alive when i'm MIAing.

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
YESTERDAY: fxck, fuxk, fcuk, fuck jiayi. _l_ _l_ _l_ why does she always have to be a fuck infront of me-.- cheer had nothing special. as usual, i was arguing with that slut. wwwwwwhy? she always starts it. puh-lease, a big grown up like you, cant you be more mature. Ah, damnit. Stupid trainer _l_ i miss michelle): (former coach) hah! Jiayi -.- Bloody shit, made us do so much lame things. first i told michellehong, darel, eileen and don that we count 10 by ten, since we got punished by her for not running all th 20=40 rounds-.- i bloody sat down for less then 15 mins, i swear. and she said that i fcuking didn't run. damn, Harhar _l_ so we were supposed to do 50 squat jumps and more other PT. she fcuking didn't understand wtf i was talking about and shouted at me, asking me to do 1000 squatjumps -.- HAHAH, lame fuck. i shouted back to her, whee, and th arguement started. but, th lamest thing ever is that, everytime she started an arguement with me, she ends up being th one that shuts th fk up. bodoh sia, you know why? she doesn't know what to answer back =.=" honestly, i dont respect her, _l_ damnit, i miss th old squat so much, haagen cheerleading... when, seriously, when.. can we be th same again.): we've all drifted, so far away from each other, doubt we'd ever be th same again. i miss our december holiday training, when we worked so hard together, sometimes we cried as th training was so tiring.): Ah, i miss it ): everything remained th same till.. somewhere this year :/ remember ellis's nose, it bleeded like crazy cos of our training. we strived, but now? dont talk about it. everyone's slowing leaving th team. why? cos of this new trainer _l_ i hate her, to th core.
 TODAY: you know what? Grace suddenly misses long hair so much): i wish some clever people would like invent some coolio make hair grow faster cream-.- hahahs, retard._.
  haahs, sad. so see that picture below?:O humphs, i miss veldaprecious. it's been a long time since we've last hang out tgt.
precious, i've missed you so D: you've changed so much since we met. who cares, i still love you. just dont go astray too much yeah. {L}
 Huuuur, sorry for all th old pictures. i suddenly felt like ranting about th past. i seriously missed it much. everything, everythings drifting. even sucker, yes. >:'( Roar, lastly, grace wanna say something. she's sad): Ballet later, hope i dont screw it. D: Eoys in two weeks time, mugging time, soon. still stuck in my love story ): i wish edward cullen's a really existed as a vampire D": Ahhhh~ *heart flutters* ---------- *Rmb, grace is MIA now. keep this blog alive when i'm MIAing.
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.