Dear love, hellos.(: todays weather's rather clouldy and dark. but... i like!:D Hehhh, went to church in th morning. then left to coastway, bought a shorts from outfitter girls. went home, left around 2? Fetched grandmother from her place. went to mandrain hotel for hi tea.(: not many pictures today. cool thing, dad bought a new camera. cos th other camera had mood-swings -.- yeaps, 10.2 mega pix yozxszxs! super clear, :D Huuuuur, no school tomorrow, i foresee myself sleeping all day long :/ damn, wheeee. six 'h' gathering soonzxs! if i'm not wrong, this week, i guess(?) i still know nothing about th class outing yet-.- it seems so not steady canzxs. Bye lovelys:} Gaaaaah, whatcha waiting for?:/ i keep staring at 'it', wondering how long i'd have to wait-.- i swear, it suuuucks, like hell.
   darkdark day up at th 40th storey of th mandrain hotel:]

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
Dear love, hellos.(: todays weather's rather clouldy and dark. but... i like!:D Hehhh, went to church in th morning. then left to coastway, bought a shorts from outfitter girls. went home, left around 2? Fetched grandmother from her place. went to mandrain hotel for hi tea.(: not many pictures today. cool thing, dad bought a new camera. cos th other camera had mood-swings -.- yeaps, 10.2 mega pix yozxszxs! super clear, :D Huuuuur, no school tomorrow, i foresee myself sleeping all day long :/ damn, wheeee. six 'h' gathering soonzxs! if i'm not wrong, this week, i guess(?) i still know nothing about th class outing yet-.- it seems so not steady canzxs. Bye lovelys:} Gaaaaah, whatcha waiting for?:/ i keep staring at 'it', wondering how long i'd have to wait-.- i swear, it suuuucks, like hell.
   darkdark day up at th 40th storey of th mandrain hotel:]
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.