 Hello all people, -blinkblinks- I made blogger, again! Really sorry ayes. :/ Today was a jolly good day!:) went to school, had normal lessons till recess. all sec two's express gathered into their respective classes.
  briefed us, and left for th science centre!:D But we were supposed to go to th ecograden.
 On th way, th weather started to change, grey sky:} i felt happy, knowing that its obviously gonna pour cats and dogggggs. Since th weather changed, mr yeo said that we'd go into th science centre instead.
 Wheeee, reached, it was raaaaining:B i think there were thunderstorms too!♥
 went in and explored!:) quite fun, saw many things, Lol. Dinos!:)
 those were some fish thingys(?)
  and i saw this! Haaah! i thought it looked quite cool :O
 Yaaaaay, i've been dying to show you guys this! th brain + eyeballs!:O Lolol, i'm not sure if its real, but yeaaaaah.. it looks freaky, many people says it is real(?) except yingli. Hahahh!:)
  soon, th rain stopped >:/ so we had to go to th ecogarden. super boring, eileen and i went to th treehouse. Lolol! then we saw this egg thingy, damn gross. i used my worksheet and kinda touched it. and then i cleaned it on kianlooooon!x) went to macs for awhile, to waste our time awaaaay. before that we went to their shop at th science centre. eileen and i shared money to buy a fart spray for fun. Lolol, super cheap! 1.90 only. Then we smelled it, almost vomitted canzxs. Hoho, played with it in macs, then in th end gave to raj. Raj super funny, keeping spraying on people whom he dont know. then they kept looking and smelling wondering where th smell came from. Harhar, laughed like fxck. Ohyeah, i saw ahbing! at first shihui and i didnt realise that it was him, but yeah. he said hello, we stared at him-.- he smiled and waaaaved. me, 'who is that?' -looks carefully- Haaaaah, Binghuaaaa! Lmaos! Rock, heehee. well thats all for today. leaving for tuition soon:/ i hate tuition, but i'd still go for tuitions!:)

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
 Hello all people, -blinkblinks- I made blogger, again! Really sorry ayes. :/ Today was a jolly good day!:) went to school, had normal lessons till recess. all sec two's express gathered into their respective classes.
  briefed us, and left for th science centre!:D But we were supposed to go to th ecograden.
 On th way, th weather started to change, grey sky:} i felt happy, knowing that its obviously gonna pour cats and dogggggs. Since th weather changed, mr yeo said that we'd go into th science centre instead.
 Wheeee, reached, it was raaaaining:B i think there were thunderstorms too!♥
 went in and explored!:) quite fun, saw many things, Lol. Dinos!:)
 those were some fish thingys(?)
  and i saw this! Haaah! i thought it looked quite cool :O
 Yaaaaay, i've been dying to show you guys this! th brain + eyeballs!:O Lolol, i'm not sure if its real, but yeaaaaah.. it looks freaky, many people says it is real(?) except yingli. Hahahh!:)
  soon, th rain stopped >:/ so we had to go to th ecogarden. super boring, eileen and i went to th treehouse. Lolol! then we saw this egg thingy, damn gross. i used my worksheet and kinda touched it. and then i cleaned it on kianlooooon!x) went to macs for awhile, to waste our time awaaaay. before that we went to their shop at th science centre. eileen and i shared money to buy a fart spray for fun. Lolol, super cheap! 1.90 only. Then we smelled it, almost vomitted canzxs. Hoho, played with it in macs, then in th end gave to raj. Raj super funny, keeping spraying on people whom he dont know. then they kept looking and smelling wondering where th smell came from. Harhar, laughed like fxck. Ohyeah, i saw ahbing! at first shihui and i didnt realise that it was him, but yeah. he said hello, we stared at him-.- he smiled and waaaaved. me, 'who is that?' -looks carefully- Haaaaah, Binghuaaaa! Lmaos! Rock, heehee. well thats all for today. leaving for tuition soon:/ i hate tuition, but i'd still go for tuitions!:)
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.