HELLOOOOOOO;D Today was a veryvery good day [: Hoho, school ? Tried to chiong my d'n't project. but failed to do so -.- i broke my dancer's leg while filing it -.- Bloody ahli kept laughing at my stupidness. Painted a lil, i tell you th colours sucks, but alot people say i do until quite fast liaos ;D Hurhur, after school supposed to meet husband and melvinL. Husband suddenly cant make it -.- Lian also couldn't make it ._. So i went to find melvinL and spiderman/mickeymouse. [:
  ---------- REPLIES{L}
tmeiyi: AHAHAS(: ILY. IMY. ILY. IMY. ILY. IMY. :D <33333333333333333333333(:>/HAHAHAH ! Bestieeeee! ILMTLMYLMYLMY! :D ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥;Serene.: This morning disturb me! Lol:D Baddddd ~ HAHA (: See you arnd in sch:D /Hahahs! i whr got! imma goodgood girl lehs! how can like that say me ]: Heehee, see you around in school too ayes!
Yay, two papers down. tmr science test, omf.D: Todays english was fine? Quite good actually. I understood almost everything ._. Teehee,nooo. i shouldn't be happy yet. science class test tmr. school ends normal time :/ huuuurs, i tell you man. i feel like boxing muthu, can? today before paper i walk pass him. he like nvr see me then his face almost touch my cheek _l_ Ahhhh, then alot people see can. Omg, erxin. Then, after paper. he's back facing me. walk pass him, his butt hit me -.- Waaaah, tell you manzxs. pure _l_. humphs, then i shout at him ccb, you know what he do? ignore me -.- humphs. Nvrmind, thats muthu. not like that then something wrong liao. Yaaay, its gonna rain rain rain! i heard a soft thunder. [: i wanna cuddle up :B Baby, imy manzxs. ---------- REPLIES{L}
tmeiyi: FOR EOY. SEE YOU SOON!(: tmeiyi: yupps, BEST. ILY too. snap photos where no one can see:D lols. IMY. ILY. ILY more than a lot. JYJY /BEST!:D Heehee, You JYJY too ohs! ILY IMY ILY IMY MORE!): See you soon;D
clive: Hellohs my sweetheart :DD Taggs for you ! [: clive: Hellohs my sweetheart :DD /Yoyo sweetheart! missed me right! hahah, cos i nvr reply your smses :}
 Yoyozzxs. Tomorrow's th second paper manzzxs!): English, har har. laoniang's angmoh shi A2 de hor :} Confidence, Lol. but not 100% confident luhhhhhs. ---------- McHong, My Actcute! :D 270908 :} ( hahah, AhHong, i know you like to act cute. so i let you be my actcute, touched rights!^^ ) -----------
 nothing much today. Whoooo, i have more then 100 views in friendster. for less then an hour o.o i used to be so happy when i saw mine hit 1000, Lol, lame sial, so lil -.- Nevermind that, Omg, i cant stand gayyyyy, he keep acting cute O: Byeeee, gonna eat now. stupid mosquito keep biting me -.- ---------- REPLIES{L}:
EILEEN: hello! tagged! goodluck for your EOY:D /Hellos! Thankyou, Hahahs, you too!:)
JILLIAN: hello grace. relink me again kays. thanks!(: /Sure, will be relinked!:}
TSF™小Toxic♥: hahas gdluck for exams:D ilyily /Good luck to you too!:D ilytilyt!
Ziying,: Good luck for your exam lehszx. (: /Good luck to you too!(:
MC HONG`: Ah Kooooooooo , tagged manzxzx ;D takecares ~ /Ah Hoooooong! Thankyou, rmb everyday must act cute hors!:}
Diana!: heyya! {: Chattin with you that day was reallly fun ;D Grace got boyf! ;P /Yeaps, very fun, Hahahs, gossips ;x Lol! Grace no boyf luhs!:D
 Sorry, grace haven't got her new pictures loaded yet. or rather, thr's no new picture(s) ._. Haaaah, i saw FaithTan in th bus yesterday!:D we were heading for th same place, we talked alot, she didn't change much. just her hair. (: Hahah! i was thinking about her center parting in pri school (x and she's as careless as ever. we went up th escalator, she almost tripped over it -.- you know what? i lack of ideas to post:/ i stared at friendster last night,i kept refreshing th page. Haaah! i think friendster got fedup with me, and thus gave me bigger fonts, chasing me back to my profile -.-
 Hahah! who cares, i like comments, but i'm short of them ): Baby wants me to blog about him everyday -.- Ahahah, see i so good. listen one okay, imma good girl. (: Baby called yesterday, and you know what. instead of half th time hearing him trying conference like that day, he kept giving silence -.- Nehpok manzzxs! Haah, nvrmind, can't blame him. He was sleepy ayes, can hear from his voice. Super cute when he tired cans!:}
  so seriously, i running outta pictures. oh yeah, honey's not coming to school on monday for th english paper! :O Huumphs, honeeeeey, i'm gonna miss you kay -.- i wont see you till next friday. i wanna skip my paper too, i wanna skip maths, science. cos i did well th last time, A leyyyys! Hah, stupid history 2 marks only _l_ Okay, grace's post is lame enough for today. ytd, one of my weakest subjects down. Whooo, no more cheena till next year :D Rock, rock, rock. i loathe cheena -.- i still have my other weak subjects manzzxs. Science, History, Geog. hohoh, _l_ _l_ _l_ Yaaay, i'm skipping tuition today :D ---------- REPLIES{L} Eileen: Honey! (: /Honeeeeeey! ;D dont be so sad about __ kay, see you soon!:) & it was really very hilarious (x
XIAOBINBIN♥: hello wife ;D miss me nots. taggggg me manz! i've updated my blog. hoho., meet uo soon alrights, /Hello husband!;D Of cos miss you luhs! After eoys go out kays!:D Okays, :)
 Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey. whoo, so fast manzzxs -.- i last blogged on tuesday ayes. 3 days after, :O okaaaay, lame. grace has bloody stm so i forgot everything already, oh well. Went for tuition yestderday :B mingru piepie super haosiao canzzxs! then she keep getting scolded. i tell you uh, Melvin Leong Teck Wai sucks, i swear :D Hahahs, hmms. went home, he called. Grace picked up, he tried to act hongsiew or sth. i dont know how to spell his name -.- Kayyyy, then he try act cute. Then he want conference with that guy called dillon(?) So funny sial! i think half of th time when we were on th phone, he was trying to do th conference -.- Retard ayes?(x take so long.. in th end you know what? He didn't manage to find out how to conference ._." today was another pokpok day -.- First paper for eoyyyyyszxs. _l_ _l_ _l_ all that i can say -.- Stupid cheena paper sial, got study no study no different. everything came out from newspaper one can -.- only 6 questions from textbook. lame anot. Haaah, byebye. Grace is pisssssssssed. ---------- MELVINLEONG BABY OHS~ 26092008 ♥ ---------- REPLIES{L}
wayne: yo babe! =D hahs! love korea so much till ur going crazy bout it arh. hahas. good luck for eoy wor. /Lol, Thanks!:)
ahjess: tag /Hellos. hoceline: haha, SL interview is ok (: I was a prefect last time in sec1 & the interview was worse :D Hahaha. /D: still dont know, seems damn scary :O
tmeiyi: BEST! wheeeeee all the best for your exams. BAHHHH. ILY A LOT A LOT.:D /All th best to you too!:D ILY TOO!:D
Zuki: okok tagged >.< /Heeeh.
3 posts today for th last three days!:) not much pictures aye :O Heehee, but actually, i have not much to blog -.- ---------- TODAY: Glooooomy tuesday. days of being a lower secondary student are numbering ): saaaaaad ayes, eoys come so fast, for what! stupid 'O's. anyway, i'm happy yet sad to know that i'm finishing my twilight series, so quickly :/
 happy- to know th whole story sad- i finished it too quickly luhs )x twilight} 3days (i know its quite long;x) new moon} 3 days eclipse} 4-5 days? breaking dawn} 5 days? okay, shan't waste my precious time now. after researching and i outta th com. yaaay, i plan to meet many people after eoys.(: i shall meet... -TMEIYIBEST♥ -VeldaPrecious and Sarah♥ -Binhui husband♥ etcetcetcetccccccc!:D ---------- MONDAY: nothing special ayes. boring monday, i swear -.- science, heeh, rainbow :B
  stupid art )^@!%^)! ! hurhurrrr, i used to loveeeee art one okay! stupid ms chin makes me hate art like fcuk now -.- she keeps shouting at us for th stupidest reasons _l_ and now we have to chiong chiong chiong our work. damnit luhs, is alot of work canzzxs!)x i needa ask someone to help me buy mirror from artfriend! 20 by 40, har har. so lame, its gonna be pasted on my box, ballet studio hmms? shall do some research on th neeeeeet. and soon, back to my bloody books. mug like siao D: --------- SUNDAY: went to church w/ family. Lol, after that walked aroung in th mall. went to different shops, had many things in mind. tried on this dress, for fun.(: HAHAHAH. :B
  okay, stop laughing -.- then decided to go to Outfitter Girls. yaaaay, bought afew of my needs at last~ Hah, bought a new jeans skirt. and a new dress, its red manzzxs!:} striking. Lmaos! ---------- REPLIES{L}:
tmeiyi: BEST! i miss youD: i haven't seen you in MONTHS!!!, ILY(: /Best!{L} rooooar! i miss you more!)x yeap, months! meet up after our eoys kaaay! hope to see you soon(: I love and miss you both as much :}
jiayi: hi grace omg i swear i can't stand it , you're so pretty ! LOL . random .heeeheee. Okay bye :) ame j /omg jiayi, i swear, i cant stand it too. you're prettier then me! Lol :} Hahahahs! aye, come back! what bye!-.-
SARAHH: ilyyyyyyyyy,hahas /ahahahs! wheres your xiaotoxic word :O Hahahs! Heehee, i love you too !:)
hoceline: lol, krishna asked u to join SL? haha, im a SL too :D looooolllll. hoceline: oh, they redesigned the cheer uniform? haha, i think it's fine. although the black one is nicer :D /yeap, black one nicer ): humphs. oh? :O its scary right. damnit, still got interview -.-
jenni: graaace ;D relink please (: /Okays, will relink you soon kay!:D
♥/chloekay: HAHAHAHA:D GRACE(: so long never talk to you lerrrr.hahah,tag me sometime(: LOVED. /Hahas! yeaps, its been a longlong time :O sure, will tag you back soon :P
DNAngel暗Joseph: My link http://darknessrainmyheart.blogspot.com/ DNAngel暗Joseph: THX U very much TC^^ DNAngel暗Joseph: Hello link me thx:) /you've been linked already!:O
 hello, its still quite early in th morning. obviously nothing happened yet -.- my dad woke me up, so i couldn't go back to sleep. eoys in a week time!D: one word, die. heh,
  decided to design th pictures that were a few day overdued. sorry guys, i apologise. haven't really been touching th come. seriously, i meant touching -.- humphs. why? cos... i cant use it -.- well well, now my life depends on my eoys :l grace uhhhhh! start mugging manzzxs. you've been reading too much. Lol! now at 'breaking dawn' zomgggg, i read till i cant find time to study. cool shit. oh, and krishna suddenly messaged me :O you know what he said? he actually asked me if i wanted to be a student leader._. LOL, i tell you, i was laughing like fk. grace a student leader?! Heehee, havent comfirm with him yet. i want a girlfriend to join with me :O he said that i'm unique. (HARHAR) you know why? cos no cheerleaders had been a student leader before-.- ---------- FRIDAY: reached school neither early nor late. damnit, made me wait at th parade squareee. hurhur, school was fine. had geog test, hahah. we all knew th answers -.- cos th answers were spreaded like bush fire from th other classes that took their test already!:D Heehee.  so yeah... ohoh. after school, homed. went for ballet ♥ today's ballet was much more better. i dont feel as stressed out anymore, took some courage, and i did it :D Heeeeeeh, was quite happy actually. hur, stupid _______. she's so fkedup. think she's some prima ballerina. _l_ okay, diana didn't come too. which was like a double happiniess kinda thing. did a little grade seven ballet. Hahahs, i like non-syllabus. we dance a variety!:} ----------THURSDAY: i cant really remember what happened on that day vividly. but surely, i remembered my parents buying back dougnuts!:) they looked so... sweet.
 well, seriously, i'm thinking hard -.- hmmms, oh, went for tuition with mingru piepie. didn't go cheer, or maybe there wasn't even cheer. har har. wtf. no more cheer till next year. what logic! _l_ i dont care manzzxs, i think i'm gonna fight for some rights. th school's being too much! hah, ask my mother go take action. LOL, jokingjoking~ ._. well thats all.

 Heehee, my favourite one over all of them. startstar one, so kawaii ohs~ i tell you manzzxs, i had to take like around 20 pictures of this doughnut before i decided to eat it up -.-
 ohyah! i forgot to post jenni's pictures D: i'll post it th next time. its pictures of her drawings! super nice, spells l.o.v.e ---------- REPLIES:{L} Limmingru: Piepie ! hello, byebye. hah. / Hahah, hello byebye piepie!:)
KanZiyi: Graceee!(: Thanks for the Birthday Wish!:) Anw, Relink!:D. / Ahahahs, no problems. hope you had fun :) okays, will be relinked, soon ;x
Eileen: Hey, reply tag on my blog, my act cute Honey. / Honey! Lol, act cute your head luhs -.- okays, will tag back.
Jenni: haha! hello! ;DD i didn't know ying li was in cheerleading o.o / Yeah, many people tio shock (x
TSF™小Toxic♥: npnp,HEEEEEEEEEEHS,crazyyy / Yaaaay, love you :}
hoceline: lol, what uniform is that? / i know its damn fkedup looking. cheer one. _l_ ahh.
Patrick: Btw busy with ballet? (: / Hah, actually, everything!:O
zhao xiang: hi.. here's a tag for u.. =) / thankyou (:
Patrick. (:: Okay haha nvm take good care alright? (: / will takecare, thanks!:D
Eileen: HelloHoney!(: Meet up soon after the exams,! / hello honey!:) Yeap, sure!:B
Heeeeeeeylo, readers!:} sorry for th lack of updates, grace was busy o.o so let me make it up to you with todays pictures, after a longlong time:) pictures are new, taken from today! ---------- TODAY: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAN ZIYI!:D School was fine, almost late, but wasn't. went to class, d'n't class test. harhar, grace didn't study for it ._. forgot to bring th textbook home, will study harder!:/ then after that school was fine, after school went for th china trip briefing. ass, stupid yingli. she fxcking scratched me with a pen, fighting for a lame position_l_ hurrr, got damn pissed with her. ignored her, went to 2e3 find eileen honeeeey, ziyi and th rest were there too!:) then yingli soon came too -.- hurhur, felt like biting her head off. was fine with her after that. hahah, nvrm, we're like that de. then, waiting for th auntie to come. tried on uniform, was fine, but still ugly. -.- heeeh, dont like it. wtfxck, th pictures made it look like it had pink strip. hohoh, so gay.
 piepie and i.
 piepie, me, yingli
 i look errr..
  heeh heeh. ^^
 I was standing on top of th toilet bowl, lol, lame.
 hahah, went home after trying uniform. no actually, waited for my mom. she took a real long time, as usual. and then, here's th last picture! th retarded one. just for laughs!:}
---------- YESTERDAY: Hahahah, sorry, tho this is belated. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YINGLI!{L}
 dont worry. eileen and i will make sure you and kian loon will be tgt forever. Yaaaay!:} Hahahahs! great blessings aye? ahahas! Monkey loves turkey!:} Heehheeh, we'll eat you during christmas!:D Lol, joking, bu yau small gas then bao. Loveyouuuu!^^ ----------
TSF™小Toxic♥: not someone miss me lahhh,is i miss lah LOL } Hahhaahs! i know i know, miss me rights!;x
GERMAINE: relink me [: }Okays, will be relinked asap.
ElegantSense: Check out the NEW spree & stock and upcoming pre-order. } -
Patrick-thstarfish: Grace, Nvr reply me. ): what happen? (: } Heh, sorry. i've been busy/ lazy. D:
Jtt: lolll, your blogskins very unique sia, loll and your quote above so cheam, "there is no disguise..." } Heehee, thankyou, thankyous :D
sherwin: Say leh, whether this year you liked me. Cause i think you did >:O. Make me say i love you. LOLzxs } get a life, fucker. _l_
YESTERDAY: fxck, fuxk, fcuk, fuck jiayi. _l_ _l_ _l_ why does she always have to be a fuck infront of me-.- cheer had nothing special. as usual, i was arguing with that slut. wwwwwwhy? she always starts it. puh-lease, a big grown up like you, cant you be more mature. Ah, damnit. Stupid trainer _l_ i miss michelle): (former coach) hah! Jiayi -.- Bloody shit, made us do so much lame things. first i told michellehong, darel, eileen and don that we count 10 by ten, since we got punished by her for not running all th 20=40 rounds-.- i bloody sat down for less then 15 mins, i swear. and she said that i fcuking didn't run. damn, Harhar _l_ so we were supposed to do 50 squat jumps and more other PT. she fcuking didn't understand wtf i was talking about and shouted at me, asking me to do 1000 squatjumps -.- HAHAH, lame fuck. i shouted back to her, whee, and th arguement started. but, th lamest thing ever is that, everytime she started an arguement with me, she ends up being th one that shuts th fk up. bodoh sia, you know why? she doesn't know what to answer back =.=" honestly, i dont respect her, _l_ damnit, i miss th old squat so much, haagen cheerleading... when, seriously, when.. can we be th same again.): we've all drifted, so far away from each other, doubt we'd ever be th same again. i miss our december holiday training, when we worked so hard together, sometimes we cried as th training was so tiring.): Ah, i miss it ): everything remained th same till.. somewhere this year :/ remember ellis's nose, it bleeded like crazy cos of our training. we strived, but now? dont talk about it. everyone's slowing leaving th team. why? cos of this new trainer _l_ i hate her, to th core.
 TODAY: you know what? Grace suddenly misses long hair so much): i wish some clever people would like invent some coolio make hair grow faster cream-.- hahahs, retard._.
  haahs, sad. so see that picture below?:O humphs, i miss veldaprecious. it's been a long time since we've last hang out tgt.
precious, i've missed you so D: you've changed so much since we met. who cares, i still love you. just dont go astray too much yeah. {L}
 Huuuur, sorry for all th old pictures. i suddenly felt like ranting about th past. i seriously missed it much. everything, everythings drifting. even sucker, yes. >:'( Roar, lastly, grace wanna say something. she's sad): Ballet later, hope i dont screw it. D: Eoys in two weeks time, mugging time, soon. still stuck in my love story ): i wish edward cullen's a really existed as a vampire D": Ahhhh~ *heart flutters* ---------- *Rmb, grace is MIA now. keep this blog alive when i'm MIAing.
 HAHAAHAH! i just had to show this picture. i seriously cant wait to catch th twilight movieeeee. their books are getting outta stock soon! hurry buy them before they're all gone~!:O tell you man, edward is so-so-sooooo HOT:D hello edwaaaaaard, i love you:} ---------- today was fine, everything was okay~?:O tell you man, 3 horijible things happened after school -.- i went to pastamania to eat, they didn't cut th pizza properly, i had a hard time eating, stupid yingli kept laughing at me ._. then went to buy coffee from coffeebean. they didn't blend it properlyD: and then... i went back to school for training, th new uniform sample came!:l wasn't that happy kinda excited. to tell you th truth, th uniform.. is quite ugly:/ seriouslyyyyyyy! and i had to try it on, and when th auntie touched me a lil bit, i kept shouting -.- it was indirectly.. ticklish -.- they kept laughing at me -.- and th uniform looked big on michelle, when it was supposed to be for don. Haaaaar! i practically ran thru th canteen using all i had to cover th uniform. imagine that!>;/ --------- oh yeah, eoys are coming. i doubt i'd be updating much in my blog. nor using much of th computer. grace needs to study harrrrrd! seriously, hard!:/ Byeeeeeeee, MIA~. Loves,xoxo.
Helloooooooooo, ate ice cream just now :B i have loaaaads of ice cream at home, Hahah! it seems like i can open an ice cream stall :@
  Huuur, wtf, my mom just doesn't know when to stop her nagging. haaaah, nagging must be a joy to her -.- school's reopening tomorrow. suck cock ): i hate school. _l_ bye people, grace isn't happy. her mom enjoys spoiling her happy mood -.- Message For Penny yeo: your report slip still with meeeee, when you want collect, tmr school reopen already okay!:O hurry text me :} Lovezxszxs.
Hello you :) actually i didn't feel like blogging today you know. :O there isn't much to blog about anyway. Lol, my picture is also an old picture -.- Ohhhh~ how miserable :O ---------- ballet last night was better(?) Harhaaaar, studied a little bit of chinese last night. Lol, want know what i studied?:} sec 2a chinese textbook chapter 1 -.- Like shit manzxs, so many words i dont know how to read. so i used th electronic dictionary to search :l super mafan i tell you. went tuition in th afternoon, hurhur, wtfcuk, stupid old womanzxzxzx!-.- keep kaopei-ing me manzxs. sorry luh, my chinese isn't very good but i am trying to improve you bodoh _l_ _l_ _l_ ---------- hmms, oh yeah. :O before i went for tuition, i watched this really reallly nice korean drama. 'Autumn In My Heart' omg omg omg, i love it manzxs, it's a really nice story!{L} th brother was so so so protective to his 'sister', even when he found out that she wasn't his real blood sister. Ahhhhh~ i wanna have an older brother, oh so badly.): Humphs, i'm really envious of girls having a caring older brother)x Damnit, i yearn for an older brother's love. like that brother, Tae-seok. ): He was so loving canzxszxs!D: I like him, Lol! ---------- Just ate finish dinner not long ago. Pepper lunch, (: Bye people, loveszx. ---------- th theme song for 'Autumn In My Heart'
http://www.imeem.com/colintear/music/NelyYgTm/autumn_in_my_heart_reason/ (wtf, i dont know why but it cant be placed inside here today-.-)
meaning in english, for you to understand:} {L} Don’t turn away from me! Look into my eyes All the world is white Have you forgotten the promise you made?
Why have you given up on me? You did that so easily But to me it was so difficult
From the beginning We had a love that shouldn’t have been started My tears are mixed with pleading That I can’t put more of myself into you
*You mustn’t disappear from my life Know that you are my light If you leave, you take away my whole world Don’t forget that it will all disappear I want to breathe From in your love…
I smile whenever I think of you It becomes so hard on me I cry whenever I think of you I’m scared of everything
 oh yeah, i found this picture while i was looking at my old pictures last night. th pair of twins were behind ._. Hahahah, yups. no more pictures of them already. ---------- today is offically th last weekday of our sept holiday. i haven't really made use of it to mug for my EOYs, instead, i've been staring at this stupid computer, letting my eyesight stray -.- idiotic ayes. it's about time i'd pull up my socks & wake up to mug like siao. :/ -'gracey, gracey! It's time to wake up!'- yeaah, thats what my mind always tells me, but i give a bloody deaf ear to it :l neverminds, grace is gonna wake up soon. seriously, i can't stand th feeling of being lousy. everytime when i'm in either my mom's or dad's car, and if we were to drive pass an academically good school, like scgs, mgs, etcetc.. (okay, dont talk about rgs, its too goood -.-) i feeeeeeel like shit ._." so i wanna go jc manzxs, grace uh, study hard first then say -.- ---------- okaaaays, changing blogskins. i know, i screwed it again, i'm always screwing things up.. nicholas is helping me fix it now :} Lolol, thankyou worhzxszxs! :D 324pm now, i ought to get ready sooooon. i've got dance at 530, aren't sure if i'm going by my own. though i hope not -.- ate alot of rubbish just now. i swear that worms are gonna grow in my stomach soon. -ewwwwww- Bye readers, :)
You know i recieved a damn shocking news from yingli ytd-.- Lol, she told me tht th By2 girls were from my primary school. i was like really meh? she asked me to see their friendster, so i went:O then there wrote Ai tong school, 1999-2004 i was there from 2001-2006 so obviously we've been in th same school for awhile. then i tried to recall if there were any twins from there. bingo, there was-.- and th most interseting thing was that we were once good friends that got along quite well. we met in ballet. Hahahas! believe anot! they were from ballet last time okay! so to comfirm i went to ask Algenedee if they did ballet before. Hahaharrr, so i comfirm already. i still have a picture taken together with them in a group photo from a million years ago. taken when i was primary 1 and when they were primary primary 3. taken before we went on stage for some NKF thingy. Hahahs! i stared at that picture throughout th night.. th picture isn't very clear cos it wasn't scanned into com. i was too lazy, took it with th camera,(: (hah, yingli must be real angry if she sees this post*) 2001~ (they are th coloured ones, enlarge for a better view.)
 and now!:O they changed like ^!%)!%(*! and we lost contact ever since they grauated. didn't expect them to become so famous aye :O Hahahs, cos when they were in primary school, they did ballet w/ me, nothing much of singing, well, thats all for today. Bye people, i gotta try to do th online assignment:/ siaaaaaaaaaaan, meeting mingru later for tuition. zaiziaaaaaaaans!:)
 Huhuhuman friends:)nothing much today? spent my whole afternoon home alone manzxs. omgzxs, i suddenly miss korea so much luhs! i wanna go back this year end!:/ i miss th weather thereeeeee!D: &&i just miss everything there!): arggghzxs. hahah, and i'm not over minhwan yet okays!)x i lovelovelove minhwan :} had tuition in th evening. science!:O tmr, again, zzz. sorry people, grace has no life-.- my messages are bombing manzxs! you can swear that it'd baobaobao manzxs!): one word, d.i.e. today's weather after tuition was rather coooooold. i didn't bring my jacket): i felt th piercing cold wind go up my spine. to summarise it, i was freezing-.- took th condo bus homeee, then saw mark-.- that stupid idiot, purposely sit behind me. act cute uh! keep hitting th chair-.- nothing else for today's boring day. you know what, sometimes i wish i haven't got a phone-.- Byepeople, i'm gonna eat now.(: Longing for... for... ... :/
 Happy Happy Teachers' Day To All Teachers!:) as i said ytd, i really slept through today:O talked to many people last night! Namseng, binghua, angus, penny, velda etcetc. Leonard super duper funny, i guess he became too rich over night ayes. in this year, he lost 4 handphones & 6 wallets-.- i was like 'siao uh!' Hahahs! Reataaaard. woke up around 10:) then watched th teevee for awhile, then to th com, and then back to sleep again. Harhar, supposed to meet angus, binghua today. but too lazy to step outta th house:O Wheee, i'm so no life-.- arghs, its only th fiirst day of th week's break, but it seems so uber short :/ sister thinking of straightening her fringe. should i should i?:O theeeeen, haiyah.. damnit cans! i'm still waiting-.- stupid m(!) why is it taking you such a loooong time!:/ huuuur, sian. tomorrow science tuition manzxs. for all i know, she might give another surprise test.): Ahh, fcuk. i haven't had th mood to study... ever since a long time ago D: bye asses. i cant wait for year end!:l

Haagen cheerleader, Ballerina/Dancer of McCully's Dance Studios',
Former student from Aitong, Currently studying in Whitley Secondary.
I love to do photography, aspired to be either a photographer or a dancer in future.
No matter how hard i'd try, memories of us kept flashing back into my mind )':
ILoveYouNot-@Hotmail.Com (Friendster/Msn)
HELLOOOOOOO;D Today was a veryvery good day [: Hoho, school ? Tried to chiong my d'n't project. but failed to do so -.- i broke my dancer's leg while filing it -.- Bloody ahli kept laughing at my stupidness. Painted a lil, i tell you th colours sucks, but alot people say i do until quite fast liaos ;D Hurhur, after school supposed to meet husband and melvinL. Husband suddenly cant make it -.- Lian also couldn't make it ._. So i went to find melvinL and spiderman/mickeymouse. [:
  ---------- REPLIES{L}
tmeiyi: AHAHAS(: ILY. IMY. ILY. IMY. ILY. IMY. :D <33333333333333333333333(:>/HAHAHAH ! Bestieeeee! ILMTLMYLMYLMY! :D ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥;Serene.: This morning disturb me! Lol:D Baddddd ~ HAHA (: See you arnd in sch:D /Hahahs! i whr got! imma goodgood girl lehs! how can like that say me ]: Heehee, see you around in school too ayes!
Yay, two papers down. tmr science test, omf.D: Todays english was fine? Quite good actually. I understood almost everything ._. Teehee,nooo. i shouldn't be happy yet. science class test tmr. school ends normal time :/ huuuurs, i tell you man. i feel like boxing muthu, can? today before paper i walk pass him. he like nvr see me then his face almost touch my cheek _l_ Ahhhh, then alot people see can. Omg, erxin. Then, after paper. he's back facing me. walk pass him, his butt hit me -.- Waaaah, tell you manzxs. pure _l_. humphs, then i shout at him ccb, you know what he do? ignore me -.- humphs. Nvrmind, thats muthu. not like that then something wrong liao. Yaaay, its gonna rain rain rain! i heard a soft thunder. [: i wanna cuddle up :B Baby, imy manzxs. ---------- REPLIES{L}
tmeiyi: FOR EOY. SEE YOU SOON!(: tmeiyi: yupps, BEST. ILY too. snap photos where no one can see:D lols. IMY. ILY. ILY more than a lot. JYJY /BEST!:D Heehee, You JYJY too ohs! ILY IMY ILY IMY MORE!): See you soon;D
clive: Hellohs my sweetheart :DD Taggs for you ! [: clive: Hellohs my sweetheart :DD /Yoyo sweetheart! missed me right! hahah, cos i nvr reply your smses :}
 Yoyozzxs. Tomorrow's th second paper manzzxs!): English, har har. laoniang's angmoh shi A2 de hor :} Confidence, Lol. but not 100% confident luhhhhhs. ---------- McHong, My Actcute! :D 270908 :} ( hahah, AhHong, i know you like to act cute. so i let you be my actcute, touched rights!^^ ) -----------
 nothing much today. Whoooo, i have more then 100 views in friendster. for less then an hour o.o i used to be so happy when i saw mine hit 1000, Lol, lame sial, so lil -.- Nevermind that, Omg, i cant stand gayyyyy, he keep acting cute O: Byeeee, gonna eat now. stupid mosquito keep biting me -.- ---------- REPLIES{L}:
EILEEN: hello! tagged! goodluck for your EOY:D /Hellos! Thankyou, Hahahs, you too!:)
JILLIAN: hello grace. relink me again kays. thanks!(: /Sure, will be relinked!:}
TSF™小Toxic♥: hahas gdluck for exams:D ilyily /Good luck to you too!:D ilytilyt!
Ziying,: Good luck for your exam lehszx. (: /Good luck to you too!(:
MC HONG`: Ah Kooooooooo , tagged manzxzx ;D takecares ~ /Ah Hoooooong! Thankyou, rmb everyday must act cute hors!:}
Diana!: heyya! {: Chattin with you that day was reallly fun ;D Grace got boyf! ;P /Yeaps, very fun, Hahahs, gossips ;x Lol! Grace no boyf luhs!:D
 Sorry, grace haven't got her new pictures loaded yet. or rather, thr's no new picture(s) ._. Haaaah, i saw FaithTan in th bus yesterday!:D we were heading for th same place, we talked alot, she didn't change much. just her hair. (: Hahah! i was thinking about her center parting in pri school (x and she's as careless as ever. we went up th escalator, she almost tripped over it -.- you know what? i lack of ideas to post:/ i stared at friendster last night,i kept refreshing th page. Haaah! i think friendster got fedup with me, and thus gave me bigger fonts, chasing me back to my profile -.-
 Hahah! who cares, i like comments, but i'm short of them ): Baby wants me to blog about him everyday -.- Ahahah, see i so good. listen one okay, imma good girl. (: Baby called yesterday, and you know what. instead of half th time hearing him trying conference like that day, he kept giving silence -.- Nehpok manzzxs! Haah, nvrmind, can't blame him. He was sleepy ayes, can hear from his voice. Super cute when he tired cans!:}
  so seriously, i running outta pictures. oh yeah, honey's not coming to school on monday for th english paper! :O Huumphs, honeeeeey, i'm gonna miss you kay -.- i wont see you till next friday. i wanna skip my paper too, i wanna skip maths, science. cos i did well th last time, A leyyyys! Hah, stupid history 2 marks only _l_ Okay, grace's post is lame enough for today. ytd, one of my weakest subjects down. Whooo, no more cheena till next year :D Rock, rock, rock. i loathe cheena -.- i still have my other weak subjects manzzxs. Science, History, Geog. hohoh, _l_ _l_ _l_ Yaaay, i'm skipping tuition today :D ---------- REPLIES{L} Eileen: Honey! (: /Honeeeeeey! ;D dont be so sad about __ kay, see you soon!:) & it was really very hilarious (x
XIAOBINBIN♥: hello wife ;D miss me nots. taggggg me manz! i've updated my blog. hoho., meet uo soon alrights, /Hello husband!;D Of cos miss you luhs! After eoys go out kays!:D Okays, :)
 Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey. whoo, so fast manzzxs -.- i last blogged on tuesday ayes. 3 days after, :O okaaaay, lame. grace has bloody stm so i forgot everything already, oh well. Went for tuition yestderday :B mingru piepie super haosiao canzzxs! then she keep getting scolded. i tell you uh, Melvin Leong Teck Wai sucks, i swear :D Hahahs, hmms. went home, he called. Grace picked up, he tried to act hongsiew or sth. i dont know how to spell his name -.- Kayyyy, then he try act cute. Then he want conference with that guy called dillon(?) So funny sial! i think half of th time when we were on th phone, he was trying to do th conference -.- Retard ayes?(x take so long.. in th end you know what? He didn't manage to find out how to conference ._." today was another pokpok day -.- First paper for eoyyyyyszxs. _l_ _l_ _l_ all that i can say -.- Stupid cheena paper sial, got study no study no different. everything came out from newspaper one can -.- only 6 questions from textbook. lame anot. Haaah, byebye. Grace is pisssssssssed. ---------- MELVINLEONG BABY OHS~ 26092008 ♥ ---------- REPLIES{L}
wayne: yo babe! =D hahs! love korea so much till ur going crazy bout it arh. hahas. good luck for eoy wor. /Lol, Thanks!:)
ahjess: tag /Hellos. hoceline: haha, SL interview is ok (: I was a prefect last time in sec1 & the interview was worse :D Hahaha. /D: still dont know, seems damn scary :O
tmeiyi: BEST! wheeeeee all the best for your exams. BAHHHH. ILY A LOT A LOT.:D /All th best to you too!:D ILY TOO!:D
Zuki: okok tagged >.< /Heeeh.
3 posts today for th last three days!:) not much pictures aye :O Heehee, but actually, i have not much to blog -.- ---------- TODAY: Glooooomy tuesday. days of being a lower secondary student are numbering ): saaaaaad ayes, eoys come so fast, for what! stupid 'O's. anyway, i'm happy yet sad to know that i'm finishing my twilight series, so quickly :/
 happy- to know th whole story sad- i finished it too quickly luhs )x twilight} 3days (i know its quite long;x) new moon} 3 days eclipse} 4-5 days? breaking dawn} 5 days? okay, shan't waste my precious time now. after researching and i outta th com. yaaay, i plan to meet many people after eoys.(: i shall meet... -TMEIYIBEST♥ -VeldaPrecious and Sarah♥ -Binhui husband♥ etcetcetcetccccccc!:D ---------- MONDAY: nothing special ayes. boring monday, i swear -.- science, heeh, rainbow :B
  stupid art )^@!%^)! ! hurhurrrr, i used to loveeeee art one okay! stupid ms chin makes me hate art like fcuk now -.- she keeps shouting at us for th stupidest reasons _l_ and now we have to chiong chiong chiong our work. damnit luhs, is alot of work canzzxs!)x i needa ask someone to help me buy mirror from artfriend! 20 by 40, har har. so lame, its gonna be pasted on my box, ballet studio hmms? shall do some research on th neeeeeet. and soon, back to my bloody books. mug like siao D: --------- SUNDAY: went to church w/ family. Lol, after that walked aroung in th mall. went to different shops, had many things in mind. tried on this dress, for fun.(: HAHAHAH. :B
  okay, stop laughing -.- then decided to go to Outfitter Girls. yaaaay, bought afew of my needs at last~ Hah, bought a new jeans skirt. and a new dress, its red manzzxs!:} striking. Lmaos! ---------- REPLIES{L}:
tmeiyi: BEST! i miss youD: i haven't seen you in MONTHS!!!, ILY(: /Best!{L} rooooar! i miss you more!)x yeap, months! meet up after our eoys kaaay! hope to see you soon(: I love and miss you both as much :}
jiayi: hi grace omg i swear i can't stand it , you're so pretty ! LOL . random .heeeheee. Okay bye :) ame j /omg jiayi, i swear, i cant stand it too. you're prettier then me! Lol :} Hahahahs! aye, come back! what bye!-.-
SARAHH: ilyyyyyyyyy,hahas /ahahahs! wheres your xiaotoxic word :O Hahahs! Heehee, i love you too !:)
hoceline: lol, krishna asked u to join SL? haha, im a SL too :D looooolllll. hoceline: oh, they redesigned the cheer uniform? haha, i think it's fine. although the black one is nicer :D /yeap, black one nicer ): humphs. oh? :O its scary right. damnit, still got interview -.-
jenni: graaace ;D relink please (: /Okays, will relink you soon kay!:D
♥/chloekay: HAHAHAHA:D GRACE(: so long never talk to you lerrrr.hahah,tag me sometime(: LOVED. /Hahas! yeaps, its been a longlong time :O sure, will tag you back soon :P
DNAngel暗Joseph: My link http://darknessrainmyheart.blogspot.com/ DNAngel暗Joseph: THX U very much TC^^ DNAngel暗Joseph: Hello link me thx:) /you've been linked already!:O
 hello, its still quite early in th morning. obviously nothing happened yet -.- my dad woke me up, so i couldn't go back to sleep. eoys in a week time!D: one word, die. heh,
  decided to design th pictures that were a few day overdued. sorry guys, i apologise. haven't really been touching th come. seriously, i meant touching -.- humphs. why? cos... i cant use it -.- well well, now my life depends on my eoys :l grace uhhhhh! start mugging manzzxs. you've been reading too much. Lol! now at 'breaking dawn' zomgggg, i read till i cant find time to study. cool shit. oh, and krishna suddenly messaged me :O you know what he said? he actually asked me if i wanted to be a student leader._. LOL, i tell you, i was laughing like fk. grace a student leader?! Heehee, havent comfirm with him yet. i want a girlfriend to join with me :O he said that i'm unique. (HARHAR) you know why? cos no cheerleaders had been a student leader before-.- ---------- FRIDAY: reached school neither early nor late. damnit, made me wait at th parade squareee. hurhur, school was fine. had geog test, hahah. we all knew th answers -.- cos th answers were spreaded like bush fire from th other classes that took their test already!:D Heehee.  so yeah... ohoh. after school, homed. went for ballet ♥ today's ballet was much more better. i dont feel as stressed out anymore, took some courage, and i did it :D Heeeeeeh, was quite happy actually. hur, stupid _______. she's so fkedup. think she's some prima ballerina. _l_ okay, diana didn't come too. which was like a double happiniess kinda thing. did a little grade seven ballet. Hahahs, i like non-syllabus. we dance a variety!:} ----------THURSDAY: i cant really remember what happened on that day vividly. but surely, i remembered my parents buying back dougnuts!:) they looked so... sweet.
 well, seriously, i'm thinking hard -.- hmmms, oh, went for tuition with mingru piepie. didn't go cheer, or maybe there wasn't even cheer. har har. wtf. no more cheer till next year. what logic! _l_ i dont care manzzxs, i think i'm gonna fight for some rights. th school's being too much! hah, ask my mother go take action. LOL, jokingjoking~ ._. well thats all.

 Heehee, my favourite one over all of them. startstar one, so kawaii ohs~ i tell you manzzxs, i had to take like around 20 pictures of this doughnut before i decided to eat it up -.-
 ohyah! i forgot to post jenni's pictures D: i'll post it th next time. its pictures of her drawings! super nice, spells l.o.v.e ---------- REPLIES:{L} Limmingru: Piepie ! hello, byebye. hah. / Hahah, hello byebye piepie!:)
KanZiyi: Graceee!(: Thanks for the Birthday Wish!:) Anw, Relink!:D. / Ahahahs, no problems. hope you had fun :) okays, will be relinked, soon ;x
Eileen: Hey, reply tag on my blog, my act cute Honey. / Honey! Lol, act cute your head luhs -.- okays, will tag back.
Jenni: haha! hello! ;DD i didn't know ying li was in cheerleading o.o / Yeah, many people tio shock (x
TSF™小Toxic♥: npnp,HEEEEEEEEEEHS,crazyyy / Yaaaay, love you :}
hoceline: lol, what uniform is that? / i know its damn fkedup looking. cheer one. _l_ ahh.
Patrick: Btw busy with ballet? (: / Hah, actually, everything!:O
zhao xiang: hi.. here's a tag for u.. =) / thankyou (:
Patrick. (:: Okay haha nvm take good care alright? (: / will takecare, thanks!:D
Eileen: HelloHoney!(: Meet up soon after the exams,! / hello honey!:) Yeap, sure!:B
Heeeeeeeylo, readers!:} sorry for th lack of updates, grace was busy o.o so let me make it up to you with todays pictures, after a longlong time:) pictures are new, taken from today! ---------- TODAY: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAN ZIYI!:D School was fine, almost late, but wasn't. went to class, d'n't class test. harhar, grace didn't study for it ._. forgot to bring th textbook home, will study harder!:/ then after that school was fine, after school went for th china trip briefing. ass, stupid yingli. she fxcking scratched me with a pen, fighting for a lame position_l_ hurrr, got damn pissed with her. ignored her, went to 2e3 find eileen honeeeey, ziyi and th rest were there too!:) then yingli soon came too -.- hurhur, felt like biting her head off. was fine with her after that. hahah, nvrm, we're like that de. then, waiting for th auntie to come. tried on uniform, was fine, but still ugly. -.- heeeh, dont like it. wtfxck, th pictures made it look like it had pink strip. hohoh, so gay.
 piepie and i.
 piepie, me, yingli
 i look errr..
  heeh heeh. ^^
 I was standing on top of th toilet bowl, lol, lame.
 hahah, went home after trying uniform. no actually, waited for my mom. she took a real long time, as usual. and then, here's th last picture! th retarded one. just for laughs!:}
---------- YESTERDAY: Hahahah, sorry, tho this is belated. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YINGLI!{L}
 dont worry. eileen and i will make sure you and kian loon will be tgt forever. Yaaaay!:} Hahahahs! great blessings aye? ahahas! Monkey loves turkey!:} Heehheeh, we'll eat you during christmas!:D Lol, joking, bu yau small gas then bao. Loveyouuuu!^^ ----------
TSF™小Toxic♥: not someone miss me lahhh,is i miss lah LOL } Hahhaahs! i know i know, miss me rights!;x
GERMAINE: relink me [: }Okays, will be relinked asap.
ElegantSense: Check out the NEW spree & stock and upcoming pre-order. } -
Patrick-thstarfish: Grace, Nvr reply me. ): what happen? (: } Heh, sorry. i've been busy/ lazy. D:
Jtt: lolll, your blogskins very unique sia, loll and your quote above so cheam, "there is no disguise..." } Heehee, thankyou, thankyous :D
sherwin: Say leh, whether this year you liked me. Cause i think you did >:O. Make me say i love you. LOLzxs } get a life, fucker. _l_
YESTERDAY: fxck, fuxk, fcuk, fuck jiayi. _l_ _l_ _l_ why does she always have to be a fuck infront of me-.- cheer had nothing special. as usual, i was arguing with that slut. wwwwwwhy? she always starts it. puh-lease, a big grown up like you, cant you be more mature. Ah, damnit. Stupid trainer _l_ i miss michelle): (former coach) hah! Jiayi -.- Bloody shit, made us do so much lame things. first i told michellehong, darel, eileen and don that we count 10 by ten, since we got punished by her for not running all th 20=40 rounds-.- i bloody sat down for less then 15 mins, i swear. and she said that i fcuking didn't run. damn, Harhar _l_ so we were supposed to do 50 squat jumps and more other PT. she fcuking didn't understand wtf i was talking about and shouted at me, asking me to do 1000 squatjumps -.- HAHAH, lame fuck. i shouted back to her, whee, and th arguement started. but, th lamest thing ever is that, everytime she started an arguement with me, she ends up being th one that shuts th fk up. bodoh sia, you know why? she doesn't know what to answer back =.=" honestly, i dont respect her, _l_ damnit, i miss th old squat so much, haagen cheerleading... when, seriously, when.. can we be th same again.): we've all drifted, so far away from each other, doubt we'd ever be th same again. i miss our december holiday training, when we worked so hard together, sometimes we cried as th training was so tiring.): Ah, i miss it ): everything remained th same till.. somewhere this year :/ remember ellis's nose, it bleeded like crazy cos of our training. we strived, but now? dont talk about it. everyone's slowing leaving th team. why? cos of this new trainer _l_ i hate her, to th core.
 TODAY: you know what? Grace suddenly misses long hair so much): i wish some clever people would like invent some coolio make hair grow faster cream-.- hahahs, retard._.
  haahs, sad. so see that picture below?:O humphs, i miss veldaprecious. it's been a long time since we've last hang out tgt.
precious, i've missed you so D: you've changed so much since we met. who cares, i still love you. just dont go astray too much yeah. {L}
 Huuuur, sorry for all th old pictures. i suddenly felt like ranting about th past. i seriously missed it much. everything, everythings drifting. even sucker, yes. >:'( Roar, lastly, grace wanna say something. she's sad): Ballet later, hope i dont screw it. D: Eoys in two weeks time, mugging time, soon. still stuck in my love story ): i wish edward cullen's a really existed as a vampire D": Ahhhh~ *heart flutters* ---------- *Rmb, grace is MIA now. keep this blog alive when i'm MIAing.
 HAHAAHAH! i just had to show this picture. i seriously cant wait to catch th twilight movieeeee. their books are getting outta stock soon! hurry buy them before they're all gone~!:O tell you man, edward is so-so-sooooo HOT:D hello edwaaaaaard, i love you:} ---------- today was fine, everything was okay~?:O tell you man, 3 horijible things happened after school -.- i went to pastamania to eat, they didn't cut th pizza properly, i had a hard time eating, stupid yingli kept laughing at me ._. then went to buy coffee from coffeebean. they didn't blend it properlyD: and then... i went back to school for training, th new uniform sample came!:l wasn't that happy kinda excited. to tell you th truth, th uniform.. is quite ugly:/ seriouslyyyyyyy! and i had to try it on, and when th auntie touched me a lil bit, i kept shouting -.- it was indirectly.. ticklish -.- they kept laughing at me -.- and th uniform looked big on michelle, when it was supposed to be for don. Haaaaar! i practically ran thru th canteen using all i had to cover th uniform. imagine that!>;/ --------- oh yeah, eoys are coming. i doubt i'd be updating much in my blog. nor using much of th computer. grace needs to study harrrrrd! seriously, hard!:/ Byeeeeeeee, MIA~. Loves,xoxo.
Helloooooooooo, ate ice cream just now :B i have loaaaads of ice cream at home, Hahah! it seems like i can open an ice cream stall :@
  Huuur, wtf, my mom just doesn't know when to stop her nagging. haaaah, nagging must be a joy to her -.- school's reopening tomorrow. suck cock ): i hate school. _l_ bye people, grace isn't happy. her mom enjoys spoiling her happy mood -.- Message For Penny yeo: your report slip still with meeeee, when you want collect, tmr school reopen already okay!:O hurry text me :} Lovezxszxs.
Hello you :) actually i didn't feel like blogging today you know. :O there isn't much to blog about anyway. Lol, my picture is also an old picture -.- Ohhhh~ how miserable :O ---------- ballet last night was better(?) Harhaaaar, studied a little bit of chinese last night. Lol, want know what i studied?:} sec 2a chinese textbook chapter 1 -.- Like shit manzxs, so many words i dont know how to read. so i used th electronic dictionary to search :l super mafan i tell you. went tuition in th afternoon, hurhur, wtfcuk, stupid old womanzxzxzx!-.- keep kaopei-ing me manzxs. sorry luh, my chinese isn't very good but i am trying to improve you bodoh _l_ _l_ _l_ ---------- hmms, oh yeah. :O before i went for tuition, i watched this really reallly nice korean drama. 'Autumn In My Heart' omg omg omg, i love it manzxs, it's a really nice story!{L} th brother was so so so protective to his 'sister', even when he found out that she wasn't his real blood sister. Ahhhhh~ i wanna have an older brother, oh so badly.): Humphs, i'm really envious of girls having a caring older brother)x Damnit, i yearn for an older brother's love. like that brother, Tae-seok. ): He was so loving canzxszxs!D: I like him, Lol! ---------- Just ate finish dinner not long ago. Pepper lunch, (: Bye people, loveszx. ---------- th theme song for 'Autumn In My Heart'
http://www.imeem.com/colintear/music/NelyYgTm/autumn_in_my_heart_reason/ (wtf, i dont know why but it cant be placed inside here today-.-)
meaning in english, for you to understand:} {L} Don’t turn away from me! Look into my eyes All the world is white Have you forgotten the promise you made?
Why have you given up on me? You did that so easily But to me it was so difficult
From the beginning We had a love that shouldn’t have been started My tears are mixed with pleading That I can’t put more of myself into you
*You mustn’t disappear from my life Know that you are my light If you leave, you take away my whole world Don’t forget that it will all disappear I want to breathe From in your love…
I smile whenever I think of you It becomes so hard on me I cry whenever I think of you I’m scared of everything
 oh yeah, i found this picture while i was looking at my old pictures last night. th pair of twins were behind ._. Hahahah, yups. no more pictures of them already. ---------- today is offically th last weekday of our sept holiday. i haven't really made use of it to mug for my EOYs, instead, i've been staring at this stupid computer, letting my eyesight stray -.- idiotic ayes. it's about time i'd pull up my socks & wake up to mug like siao. :/ -'gracey, gracey! It's time to wake up!'- yeaah, thats what my mind always tells me, but i give a bloody deaf ear to it :l neverminds, grace is gonna wake up soon. seriously, i can't stand th feeling of being lousy. everytime when i'm in either my mom's or dad's car, and if we were to drive pass an academically good school, like scgs, mgs, etcetc.. (okay, dont talk about rgs, its too goood -.-) i feeeeeeel like shit ._." so i wanna go jc manzxs, grace uh, study hard first then say -.- ---------- okaaaays, changing blogskins. i know, i screwed it again, i'm always screwing things up.. nicholas is helping me fix it now :} Lolol, thankyou worhzxszxs! :D 324pm now, i ought to get ready sooooon. i've got dance at 530, aren't sure if i'm going by my own. though i hope not -.- ate alot of rubbish just now. i swear that worms are gonna grow in my stomach soon. -ewwwwww- Bye readers, :)
You know i recieved a damn shocking news from yingli ytd-.- Lol, she told me tht th By2 girls were from my primary school. i was like really meh? she asked me to see their friendster, so i went:O then there wrote Ai tong school, 1999-2004 i was there from 2001-2006 so obviously we've been in th same school for awhile. then i tried to recall if there were any twins from there. bingo, there was-.- and th most interseting thing was that we were once good friends that got along quite well. we met in ballet. Hahahas! believe anot! they were from ballet last time okay! so to comfirm i went to ask Algenedee if they did ballet before. Hahaharrr, so i comfirm already. i still have a picture taken together with them in a group photo from a million years ago. taken when i was primary 1 and when they were primary primary 3. taken before we went on stage for some NKF thingy. Hahahs! i stared at that picture throughout th night.. th picture isn't very clear cos it wasn't scanned into com. i was too lazy, took it with th camera,(: (hah, yingli must be real angry if she sees this post*) 2001~ (they are th coloured ones, enlarge for a better view.)
 and now!:O they changed like ^!%)!%(*! and we lost contact ever since they grauated. didn't expect them to become so famous aye :O Hahahs, cos when they were in primary school, they did ballet w/ me, nothing much of singing, well, thats all for today. Bye people, i gotta try to do th online assignment:/ siaaaaaaaaaaan, meeting mingru later for tuition. zaiziaaaaaaaans!:)
 Huhuhuman friends:)nothing much today? spent my whole afternoon home alone manzxs. omgzxs, i suddenly miss korea so much luhs! i wanna go back this year end!:/ i miss th weather thereeeeee!D: &&i just miss everything there!): arggghzxs. hahah, and i'm not over minhwan yet okays!)x i lovelovelove minhwan :} had tuition in th evening. science!:O tmr, again, zzz. sorry people, grace has no life-.- my messages are bombing manzxs! you can swear that it'd baobaobao manzxs!): one word, d.i.e. today's weather after tuition was rather coooooold. i didn't bring my jacket): i felt th piercing cold wind go up my spine. to summarise it, i was freezing-.- took th condo bus homeee, then saw mark-.- that stupid idiot, purposely sit behind me. act cute uh! keep hitting th chair-.- nothing else for today's boring day. you know what, sometimes i wish i haven't got a phone-.- Byepeople, i'm gonna eat now.(: Longing for... for... ... :/
 Happy Happy Teachers' Day To All Teachers!:) as i said ytd, i really slept through today:O talked to many people last night! Namseng, binghua, angus, penny, velda etcetc. Leonard super duper funny, i guess he became too rich over night ayes. in this year, he lost 4 handphones & 6 wallets-.- i was like 'siao uh!' Hahahs! Reataaaard. woke up around 10:) then watched th teevee for awhile, then to th com, and then back to sleep again. Harhar, supposed to meet angus, binghua today. but too lazy to step outta th house:O Wheee, i'm so no life-.- arghs, its only th fiirst day of th week's break, but it seems so uber short :/ sister thinking of straightening her fringe. should i should i?:O theeeeen, haiyah.. damnit cans! i'm still waiting-.- stupid m(!) why is it taking you such a loooong time!:/ huuuur, sian. tomorrow science tuition manzxs. for all i know, she might give another surprise test.): Ahh, fcuk. i haven't had th mood to study... ever since a long time ago D: bye asses. i cant wait for year end!:l
I'd pick myself up again, someday. When i'm strong enough.